the play of Mihail Sebastian "Steaua fără nume" has a lovely adaptation. this is the start point for define this light-full film, bitter-sweet, giving to play a special flavor of atmosphere and small details recreating the picture of community, respecting the spirit of a drama about small things, from idealism to love, to clash between different perspectives about life and right way for define the challenges. so, Sebastian universe in precise reflection.
A beautiful rendering of a book, a fairy-tale for grownups. The theme is being rich and poor, what it means to people, can we really give up riches for love in search of happiness or do the riches comprise our happiness. Poor people living in a small sleepy town and rich ones going around the world, which are happier, in what way, do they realize it ?"With my love it`s paradise even in a straw hut" , is it so for the heroes of the film ?
A classic story with a comic twist - a high society call girl due to some mishap with tickets on some super-express ends up on a small station, without even a restaurant and where a station-master kindly offers her a share of a roasted "duck that was run over by a train just the other day". She - of course - falls in love with a local teacher who is cute but hasn't got a two pennies to rub together and there you go. Will she stay or will she ride her other boyfriend's Jaguar in the sunset?.. Acting is better than a romantic story really warrants and the script is rather witty but not a guy movie.
The small provincial town atmosphere is described very well by the single night out for everyone: people go to the railroad station to look at the large train that passes at the same time. We can see all the characters there at once, and immediately draw conclusions that the town is full of characters. The teacher Marin is there later to get the book from Buharest he ordered...and the train that never stops, suddenly stops that comes Mona. We immediately feel like we know so much about their lives. We also are so sad to see her go and him stay. Igor Kostolevskiy is awesome (and so good-looking)!