I have watched a lot of movies about GOD and the coming of the Son Of GOD concerning the prophecies in the last chapter of the New Testament, this one brings it to life in the 21st century in a down to earth way and allowing for the viewer to know whats going on even if they have never read the book in there life. I have to say I am bias as I have read the book and was awaiting the next task as it should unfold and it provided me with everything I was wanting to see in the event the Son of GOD was to be preconceived in this generation. The show is full of action and suspense as well as light fun moments that can be shared with nearly the whole family, I would suggest that if your going to let anyone under the age of 15 watch this they first read revelations and garner an understanding of whats going on and why there is so much violence in the name of GOD going on in this show..
Mar Velez
I think some shows are just to intelligent for most people. Maybe People like easy, action and not very smart shows. If you look at what happened to "touch",first season was great and original, then in order to adapt to an audience that wanted action, the script was changed and became completely vulgar and predictable. I loved Zero Hour! It reminded me of a lot of god books i read and it had everything: a smart story, action, original script, and a way of telling the story that surprises you with the unpredictable. It is more and more difficult to find original story's that surprise us. Everything seems so "haven't i seen this before". And maybe story tellers can not do better because the audience demands more of the same.
I really do enjoy the show. The background sounds have been too loud though, maybe it's my TV, but sometimes the music or crowd/street noise is over-powering the characters speaking. It's still worth watching. Something else I just noticed, because I have been watching the Alias series, was the similarity to the Milo Rambaldi concept, again OK. I wondered if J.J. Abrams was involved in Zero Hour? Then to even make it more similar Arvin Sloan's dead wife shows up in the last scene of last week's show appearing to be a villain!? Still like the show and hoping to see Jennifer soon!! If they can get her for an appearance or two that should take care of any cancellation issues!
Unfortunately I think I already have the gist of this show. An its still early . Would have liked a bit of question as to what they are after. They are going for the cross Jesus died on to get the traces of DNA left from his blood. This way since they already created a child without parents they think they can create God. Which Im sure is the whole deal about this show. I just wished they had let the part of the baby that grew into a man stay hidden for awhile. It would be a great show if they had let this all come out slower. Im still going to watch it because it do like the suspense. I also like the cast good to see some of these guys back in action.