Your World

Your World

Seasons & Episodes

  • 9
  • 1

EP1 9/2/04 Sep 02, 2004

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4.6| 0h30m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 07 October 1996 Returning Series
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Your World with Neil Cavuto, which debuted as the Cavuto Business Report on the network's launch in 1996, is an American business television program appearing on Fox News Channel.

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BlueRidgeViewer Can always count on well-searched, factual, in-depth reporting , delivered on occasion with a touch of humor and sarcasm. If you want filtered "news" so you don't have to think for yourself - don't watch Cavuto. I have utmost respect for this man who can make fun of himself as much as he does anyone else (unlike Bill Maher). You can always count on Neil to be sharp, fair, and thorough. All of this while quietly battling cancer and MS - for years. An inspirational man for both his work and his spirit. If you haven't caught his show you are missing the rest of the story behind the headlines. If you only catch the last 3 minutes of his show every day - the "Common Sense " segment - he delivers a wrap up of the biggest story of the day - gloves off, impossible -to-dismiss insights.