You Can't Ask That

You Can't Ask That

Seasons & Episodes

  • 7
  • 6
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  • 4
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  • 1

EP1 Bogans May 25, 2022

With a discourse that spans from mullets and tracky-dacks to the difference between patriotism and racism, this episode on Bogans strikes at the heart of old fashioned Australiana.

EP2 Postnatal Depression Jun 01, 2022

An emotional You Can't Ask That episode on Postnatal Depression, where eight parents explore the shame, public and family pressure, plus the personal guilt that surrounds this often misunderstood and taboo topic.

EP3 Gay Men Jun 08, 2022

In this episode, gay men re-examine the definition of masculinity, explore the ins-and-outs of sex between men, and talk about what it's like to find your place in a predominately straight world.

EP4 Models Jun 15, 2022

From the pitfalls of 'pretty privilege', to teenage exploitation, unrealistic beauty standards, and mental health issues, eight models share the unvarnished truth about one of the most desired & least understood professions.

EP5 Prescription Drug Addiction Jun 22, 2022

'Is your prescription pill addiction a dirty little secret?' is one of the questions the interviewees answer when they talk openly about addiction, doctor shopping, rehab and who is to blame for prescription drug dependency.

EP6 Porn Stars Jun 29, 2022

Game for anything, our Aussie Porn Stars answer some very eye-opening questions in this episode of You Can't Ask That, as they take us on the journey of what it's like to be involved in porn, and the ethics of the industry.

EP7 Juvenile Detention Jul 06, 2022

This episode looks at Juvenile Detention and questions how we deal with some of the most damaged kids in society. What happens when a child is told they are bad, and can there be rehabilitation in detention?

EP8 Dementia Jul 13, 2022

This episode features people living with dementia. Their all too common - though no less exceptional - stories take us through some complex philosophical terrain There will be laughs, tears, and some mind-altering insights.
8.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 03 August 2016 Returning Series
Producted By: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Breaking down stereotypes and offering genuine insight into the lives of people who live with labels. The series gives an unmediated platform to some of the most misunderstood or marginalised people in our country: short statured, wheelchair users, transgender, Muslims, ex-prisoners, fat, Indigenous, sex workers, terminally ill, and people in polyamorous relationships.

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Australian Broadcasting Corporation

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ozibuco well i am fairly average and watched these shows when i was cornered sport of interest left unseen , no new news , and open to witness deviations that would confirm my opinions and head off for an early night ..but instead was left in awe of courage at least , and stuff not harmful to others .. feeling i have much to understand but happier for the experience , thanks
randomguy-81388 The title of the show says it all. Though some hard topics are covered such as suicide, every one of the participants openly shares and answers questions you may not have thought about but find yourself wanting the answer to.Our society could do with a little more understanding of those around us which have been dealt a different hand. This show pushes a lot of barriers and really does hit hard at times.
koen-56 No matter the particular subject of each episode, I find myself responding in a similar way to this show and its brave stars. Each episode a particular 'minority' is allowed, and courageous enough, to reveal sometimes very personal aspects of their lives to the audience. I always learn something I didn't know, often feel a tear for how people are treated by others and always get a laugh. The world could do with more of the understanding that this show engenders.