Why cancel the show because of the actor who can be replaced? Just have some respect for the viewers all over the world and finish the story
Sadly, this show could have been great with just a few but important tweaks. Since they decided to push unrelated far left propaganda into the plot, all went south.Diversity is artificially present in the cast and in the script. Women, gays and muslims are always "saving the day", nothing against those mentioned but is so randomly played that is pathetic.This missing opportunity, the rabid leftist indoctrination, poor casting and writing make me quit before the season (and probably the show itself) ends.I was hoping for a better show, but well I will look forward to other works of Piven,Potter or Cowen.
Was a bit curious to see what the show would entail. The first episode interested me enough to watch it again. However, by the 4th episode, it has become clear that this is a VERY left leaning show and this episode (anyone who isn't a democrat is a neo-nazi) clearly demonstrated dragging everyone through the mud that doesn't support them. I won't be watching again. What started out as a desperate father searching for truth, has become a one-sided, politically motivated series. The strange thing is, once that is done, you can probably expect half the viewer base to disappear. Strange they would take that risk. The 'acting', if you call it that, is fair at best. The cast seemed so ready to jump in with their 'anti-right' views that it clearly indicated it was more personal than professional. I can't see it being renewed, but hey, this is 'Hollywood'...right?
Engrossing series. Love Richard Jones and Jeremy Piven; however I can't stand the Brit lady. Her accent is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Very jarring accent. Can't they bring someone else in for such an important role? The plot moves along in a steady building manner but when she starts talking it makes me aware I'm watching a TV show. Even another Englishwoman would be acceptable if the accent weren't as jarring.