Wild Travels

Wild Travels

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Pierogi Fest Jan 16, 2022

Host Will Clinger meets Mr. Pierogi, Ms. Pasczki and the polka-loving Pierorgettes at Pierogi Fest in Whiting, Indiana; ducks for cover at Lambert's Café "Home of the Throwed Rolls" in Alabama; is shocked by the products made from endangered animals confiscated by the National Wildlife Repository near Denver; and cheers on the daring (and possibly deranged) participants at a Unicycle Football game in San Marcos, Texas.

EP2 Whiskerina Jan 23, 2022

Host Will Clinger witnesses one of the first Beard and Moustache Competitions where women have their own category; enjoys America's oldest Mardi Gras celebration in Mobile; takes on the 150 ton tower of debris at the Cathedral of Junk in Austin; uncovers the extra-terrestrial activity at the UFO Watchtower in Colorado, and then watches the unusual and amusing breed of fainting goats topple over at a farm in Alabama.

EP3 Midwest Tugfest Jan 30, 2022

Host Will Clinger checks out the film prop collection and samples some of the trashiest films ever made at Movie Madness in Portland; checks in to the Dino Hotel in Colorado so he can check out their impressive collection of dinosaur fossils; drops in on Tug Fest, the incredible tug-of-war between two towns on opposite sides of the Mississippi River; and sneaks a peek at a California bar's annual tradition of mooning passing Amtrak trains.

EP4 The Great Pumpkins Feb 06, 2022

Host Will Clinger watches the competitors hollow out and race gigantic, thousand pound gourds at the annual Pumpkin Regatta on Tualatin Lake, Oregon; tracks down the infamous "Unipiper", a bagpipe-playing, flame throwing, unicyclist on the streets of Portland; holds a 10 Pound sundae eating contest at MacAlpine's Diner and Soda Fountain in Phoenix; visits a museum dedicated to Action Figures in Oklahoma; and revels in the cheesy art and relentless puns at Solomon's Castle in the swamps of Florida.

EP5 Sasquatch Feb 13, 2022

Host Will Clinger enjoys the view from the highest bridge in America-1,000 feet above the Royal Gorge; shivers near the frozen masterpieces created at the U.S. Snow Sculpting Competition in Wisconsin; wanders the halls of the world's only spear hunting museum in Alabama; and searches for the elusive Yeti with the Bigfoot believers of the Sasquatch Outpost in the mountains of Colorado.

EP6 The Frozen Bredo Feb 20, 2022

An entire episode devoted to the strangest festivals WILD TRAVELS has ever attended: Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland, Colorado. The annual festivals honors a deceased Norwegian who resides in a shed on a hill above town under 1,200 pounds of dry ice (long story), and features Team Coffin Races, a Polar Plunge, a Parade of Hearses and a Frozen T-shirt Contest.
7.3| 0h30m| TV-G| en| More Info
Released: 18 July 2018 Returning Series
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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WILD TRAVELS goes off the beaten path to celebrate America's unusual festivals, unknown museums and unconventional characters. It's intelligent, funny, and a bit irreverent, spotlighting our country's quirkiest people and places.

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