I was so excited when I heard about this! Watched the first episode and nothing was funny at all. It was cringey. The characters are horrible and flat. I don't buy that people found this entertaining. Watch the old Ali G show and come back to this.
We haven't watched any of Cohen's work before this, we had heard this series was anti republican so we tuned in. It's hysterical! My husband and I first thought it was scripted but everything I've read said it's not, people really are that stupid.
Sometimes (like with Roy Moore), he doesn't really get what (I think) he wants, which is generally for his subjects to reveal their "true" biases. But when it works, it is devastating in showing how many Americans have fallen victim to absurd conspiracy theories (in case of the Right), or left-wing dogma. It can be very funny, although as one critic has pointed out, it can also be very frightening, as some of his subjects are politicians who can actually make policy based on their deplorable beliefs.
...and it´s brilliant! Cohen does concentrate on total humiliation of Republicans and public figures, so a lot of people will hate this series. He just sets them up to show their true colours, and the results are both cringe-worthy and hilarious.