This show is excellent.The characters are well cast. All the acting is excellent (there is not a bad actor in it, all are good). The directing, and especially script writing is well done (excellent).The show drags you in so that at the end of the hour of each episode you would crawl naked across poison ivy just to watch the next episode. Although at first it may seem unusual that he talks to you; you will soon grow to love it!Trevor Eve -the main actor-, has done a fantastic job! See and enjoyed it.
I feel like I've just watched a snuff film....a beautifully acted, taut, engrossing and horrible thing! A two hour litany of perversion in the most basic and all inclusive sense of the word, sexual violence and torture, rape, decapitation, incest, corruption, live burial, and abuse, abuse, abuse. No redemption whatsoever. And I WAS entertained. I couldn't stop watching. What does this say about me, about the people who make and act in this sort of thing, and a world that has become so desensitized that eventually real snuff films will be the norm. And I'm neither puritanical nor humorless, I don't try to hide from the existence of darkness, and I definitely have not led a sheltered life, but I am ashamed of myself. AND I'm sorry to see my British cousins dragging the subject-matter sewers the way my own tribe does. It doesn't have to be cozy, but does it have to wallow in vicarious sadism?
I find this BBC-series exciting and occasionally breathtaking. The actors are great, and I can think of only one objection: How can it be possible for the character Frankie Wharton to have so many different talents? She is an forensic expert, but at the same time she is a mechanical wizard and also she is very knowledgeable on computing matters. It annoys me somewhat, but of course, it would be difficult for the series to have more main characters. Still, the plots are generally interesting, and the relations between the characters are developing through the seasons. In this way, the episodes are interesting for two reasons: The crime case and the police officers' own minds. I look forward to see the actors in other connections.
Waking the Dead "Every Breath You Take" The body of a police woman who has been missing for a year is found floating in the Thames... This is well acted except the script has got more holes than an episode of the Simpsons... starting with the forensics arguing about needing mouth masks on to prevent contamination, whilst none have hair nets on...and ending with the hi-tech surveillance team with no foot backup to actually arrest the suspect, not once, but twice. This is well acted except the script has got more holes than an episode of the Simpsons... starting with the forensics arguing about needing mouth masks on to prevent contamination, whilst none have hair nets on...and ending with the hi-tech surveillance team with no foot backup to actually arrest the suspect, not once, but twice.