W/ Bob & David

W/ Bob & David

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Episode 1 Nov 13, 2015

Bob and David contend with a faulty time machine. The guys make ambitious New Year's resolutions. A movie sheds light on slavery.

EP2 Episode 2 Nov 13, 2015

Bob and David butt heads with Standards & Practices. Cops get all sensitive with a witness. Musical inspiration strikes at the dry cleaners.

EP3 Episode 3 Nov 13, 2015

Digital is the new gospel. An anti-police sting goes awry. A bad word has exceptional power. A skier becomes a major cultural influence. This episode was removed from Netflix in 2020, due to a segment in which Cross wears blackface. Both he and Odenkirk objected to the decision, with Cross saying the scene was meant to satirize the character's "ridiculous foolish[ness]".

EP4 Episode 4 Nov 13, 2015

Moms are in the spotlight. A boy has a controversial trip to heaven. Salesmen share their stories. Bob sneaks in a skit that David hates.

EP5 Episode 5 Nov 13, 2015

Go behind the scenes in this hour-long special where Bob and David reveal what it takes to put on a sketch show in their own special way.
7.3| 0h30m| TV-MA| en| More Info
Released: 13 November 2015 Ended
Producted By: Abso Lutely Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://www.netflix.com/title/80049065

After being dishonorably discharged from the Navy Seals, Bob and David are back serving our country the way they do best, making sketch comedy. Four half-hours of brand new comedy featuring all new characters, all new scenes, and most importantly, all new wigs.

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Abso Lutely Productions

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andrewashere-886-187667 This show is nowhere near as good as Mr. Show was and that's too bad because I really enjoyed that series. I guess maybe they just aren't trying as hard or something, maybe they're too successful with their other work now so didn't have enough time to really put into writing and taping this show? It just seems like it hasn't been finished properly or something. Yes there are a few good sketches that made me laugh, like the extended time travel thing they started the show with, but overall it was just sloppy and lazy and full of some pretty lame jokes. Hopefully they come back and are in their old form because I'd love that but also I don't want them to end their shows on this note.
rzajac What's fun about "W/ Bob & David" is the continuity with the old "Mr. Show". It adheres to the same comedic and production standards; and those standards were notably rough-hewn, seat-of-the-pants, cannabis-fueled, and naturally good-naturedly begged your indulgence while it sang and danced and mugged its way into your heart. I gladly granted that indulgence and in return reaped a modest collection of smiles, laughs, and even the occasional thigh-slap.Well, actually, more than merely adhering, this new incarnation of Bob and David improves on those standards a bit. The writing is at least as good, and the production values have definitely improved.It's great to see the old gang back together again! Looks like Johnston lost a little weight (from his S. Silverman Program days) to be able to make the same physical impression as of yore. Ennis is a fantastic talent, great to see again. Well, I'm not here to rattle off the roster. Trust me that the old gang serves the cause with the dependable aplomb.All that said, I fully understand that all this is hedged 'round by an audience reality: Most folks don't care a whit about the above. They want a sketch show that zings and tickles again and again and again. Key & Peele comes to mind as a counter example: In spite of its general experimental, over-the-edge sensibility it actually rarely missed in its goal to astound, amuse, and entertain, with every sketch. W/ Bob & David, like its predecessor, is honestly a bit scattershot. For some of us, that's part of its charm. If you're like-minded, W/ Bob & David will work for you. Otherwise, you may well be wondering what the fuss (such as it is) is about.
cal-38007 I'm a huge fan of comedy.I devour it all!I was really excited to find another sketch comedy show on netflix after watchingsnl, key and peele,Catherine tate show,Chapelle show, amy schumer,and other great sketches over the years.This is just not funny. It tries too hard, has underwhelming premises, and for the most part, is boring. I might give it another chance later.Gave the first two episodes a shot but couldn't bring myself to watch anymore.
tomdallan I love Saul Goodman and I love Tobias Funke. I'm not really that familiar with the rest of the work of Bob Odenkirk and David Cross but they pop up from time to time in good stuff like Curb Your Enthusiasm and the occasional excellent but generally ignored Indy film, and one of them is in a band, apparently, and I generally like them. But, for me it's mainly about the best character in Arrested Development and my favourite character in Breaking Bad who was so good was made the subject of the equally brilliant spin off show Better Call Saul.So I was intrigued to see this new offering from these two fine actors who are currently at the top of their game. Oh how deeply disappointing. David Cross seems to be a genuinely funny guy but the rest of the cast is woeful and, try as he might, not even he can carry that much dead wood and the script is like a badly worked high school improv workshop. Odenkirk is not a naturally funny man it seems, his timing and delivery is way off and he just looks pitifully out of his depth. He's clearly an accomplished comedy writer (if you like that sort of thing) and not a natural sketch comedy performer. The rest of the supporting cast have good pedigree but they look like they are just there to support their newly famous friends egos in this ill advised vanity project.Maybe it's an American thing, after all Saturday Night Live has been doing this shtick for decades and is still huge despite it being about as funny as a family bereavement.IMDb's user rating is currently 8.4 but I'll wager my favourite trousers that this ridiculously high score will plummet to under 7 by Christmas, which would still be overly generous. It is a waste and a shame because it could, nay, should have been much MUCH better considering the talent on show.