Bardel Entertainment is an animation studio based in Vancouver and this animated television show was voiced in New York City by the 4Kids Entertainment voice talent. Another Vancouver-produced cartoon voiced by the 4Kids Entertainment voice talent was "Chaotic" (2006). All cartoons produced by Bardel Entertainment were voiced in Vancouver. Therefore, I wonder. Was this animated television show and "Chaotic" (2006) were intended to be voiced in Vancouver, like many cartoons produced by Bardel Entertainment? If these two animated television shows produced by 4Kids Entertainment were voiced in Vancouver, it would be better. Too bad 4Kids Entertainment didn't outsource their properties to Los Angeles, Vancouver and other important dubbing places. For this reason, I strongly believe that 4K Media Inc. will surely correct such mistake.
good show watch it any time I can I'm a fan of the show and I think it has a good story and great animations I think Kirby: Right Back at Ya!is a little better but probably my favorite show on 4kids The best part of the series that I have seen so far is when Fergy tries to get out of parties from Lanstin Lickatoad & Pauile Tries to help him out one great things about the series is the Comedy sometimes the Comedy sequences can blow your mind there so impressive and well put together Pinata Island. thats has got to be my favorite part of the series.Brilliantly done! This show has vivid and well formed characters. Indeed Viva Pinata provides perfect caricatures of pacific islanders. The main characters's are exceptional and with story lines that provide both excitement and entertainment value. At times the humor isn't accessible to everyone but extremely well done even though it is generally cultutally specific to any who played the game (I haven't). for people from Canada and islanders abroad (not including the states) this will be a favorite.
Viva Pinata is one of the best children shows to come down the pike in a long time. A joint venture between Fox Kids, YTV, Microsoft and Rare, VP is about the adventures of the various Pinatas that live on Pinata Island. These piñatas are hoping that they can be chosen to entertain at a children's birthday party.While there are multiple characters on the island there are four piñatas that are pretty much the lead characters. Franklin Fizzlybear is a friendly, happy-go-lucky sort who sounds very similar to Michaelangelo of TMNT fame with the California surfer accent. Hudson Horstachio is a vain horse-type piñata that loves attention and being a regular visitor to "kids with sticks". Fergy Fudgehog is a neurotic type who fears being used as a piñata and tries to do everything he can to avoid being launched to a party via the cannon at Pinata Central. Paulie Pretztail is a cocky, intelligent sort who looks out for his friends.The show's computer graphics are very nice, the writing is excellent and should appeal to all ages and even has made me laugh on occasion. VP is one of the better kid's shows and I highly recommend it. It can be seen on FOX in the U.S., YTV in Canada or via free downloads if you own an Xbox 360 like I do. The game based on the show is great, too.
VIVA PINATA is my favorite show , I would add episodes to the TV series. I'll forget buying the video game! David Doenut (Brendan Fraser) is a cool deer , Brendan Badgesicle (Ralph Macchio) is wearing a Hawaiian shirt , Larry Lackamint (Charlie Sheen) got a Viva Pinata Shirt. Triple cool. Jorge Jameleon (Tom Cruise) is a physic reader chameleon , Florence Fizzlybear (Tara Strong) is Franklin's girlfriend , she wishes to marry Franklin , Fury Fizzlybear (John Leguizamo) is a bear who's name is from a kind of disaster or somewhat is something , there are more appearances and there are more than 60 species to appear! Triple Wow and Bearabunga! Did You Know Hudson Horstachio got webbed gloves? Cocktail is the same name from Tom Cruise's Movie which is being aired or not , I don't know. Adding More Episodes and More Species will be added to my favorite TV show , not the video game. This contains no violence. It also contains adult language like Fergy saying "Oh , Fudge!" , "Holy!" and he is grounded. Grrrrr. 14 year old boys and girls will see the show. Marc Thompson moved to Minnesota and met Brian Maillard. Franklin Fizzlybear and I will see you!