My granddaughter loves this show and I must admit that I enjoy it as well. It cute and shows tolerance and kindness to everyone. I'm quite disappointed in the low rated reviews about what vampires are. Seriously?? It's a cartoon geared towards children and it teaches morals. Open your minds and enjoy the show for what it is. A child cartoon.
I believe people are too shallow about the vampire thing. It's a friendly Halloween-ish show that teaches your kids tolerance and quite entertaining. Apparently parents need to be taught tolerance as well.
This series is an outstanding animated cartoon! It teaches children that you can be friends with anyone even if they are different. I am 13 and I enjoy and adore this series. It is amazing and is made by the creator of Doc Mcstuffins another Disney Junior Series. The songs are magical and catchy and the animation is on point. The voice acting is spot on for the characters and the story is the best. I recommend this series if you have a child, or you can watch it your self. One of the best Disney Junior series in a while! 10/10
Hi, I am new to this show & was wondering since this is a kid show- how are vampires OK for such young kids? Do they involve what we all know they eat, drink? The show seems cute enough but what kind of message is this sending to our kids besides the one mentioned above about accepting differences?