

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Series Premiere, Part 1 Sep 07, 2014

EP2 Series Premiere, Part 2 Sep 09, 2014

EP3 Series Premiere, Part 3 Sep 12, 2014

EP4 Week Two in Utopia - A Sep 16, 2014

EP5 Week Two in Utopia - B Sep 19, 2014

EP6 Week Three in Utopia - A Sep 23, 2014

EP7 Week Three in Utopia - B Sep 26, 2014

The social experiment continues as pioneering Americans attempt to create their own civilization. The birth of a brave new world enters its 3rd week.

EP8 Week Three in Utopia -- B Sep 26, 2014

The social experiment continues as pioneering Americans, who left their normal lives behind, attempt to create their own civilization.

EP9 Week Four in Utopia -- A Sep 30, 2014

The pioneers continue their efforts to create their own civilization.

EP10 Week Four in Utopia -- B Oct 03, 2014

The pioneers continue working to build their own civilization.

EP11 Week 6 in Utopia Oct 17, 2014

The pioneers continue working to build their own civilization.

EP12 Week 7 in Utopia Oct 24, 2014

The pioneers continue working to build their own civilization.

EP13 Weeks Seven and Eight in Utopia Oct 31, 2014

The pioneers continue working to build their own civilization.

EP14 Week Nine in Utopia Nov 07, 2014

The pioneers continue working to build their own civilization.

EP15 Week 10 in Utopia Nov 14, 2014

The pioneers continue working to build their own civilization.
3.4| 0h30m| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 07 September 2014 Canceled
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Since the dawn of time, humans have always wondered: does a perfect world exist? Now, we get the chance to build one. Will it be ultimate happiness or utter chaos? Fifteen pioneering Americans leave their everyday lives and move to an isolated, undeveloped location - for an entire year - where they are challenged to create their own civilization from scratch.

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ugonet While this could be an interesting show, illustrating how different people from different backgrounds work together to build a little village (not a society!), the fact that they simply vote off those they don't like removes all that drama. And with out that drama, this is just a show depicting 15 people living on a large camp site.Do we really want to see 15 people all saying 'yes'? The producers failed in their design of the show's rules. They should have made the elimination based only on viewers' votes. Because of this flaw, the individuals with the most character and conviction are voted off to be replaced with boring 'don't-rock-the-boat' participants which no viewer gives a damn about.
billtomlinson Almost everything the naysayers say here is true. Part of the problem with the show is that these people do seem to be less intelligent than the average person, and part of the reason for this might be because you are picking a subset of the population that can take off for a whole year. These are not retirement age folks. They are more likely to be independent minded, less conformist, and with fewer people skills. It may be that the producers of the show selected people to insure that there would be drama, but I don't think this had to be the case to get the incompatible mix we have here Independent minded people being encouraged to make a "Utopia" are going to have radically different ideas about what Utopia is. For some it is going to be like living in the garden of Eden, working very little and enjoying leisure time. For others it's going to be about constructing a society where everyone has a role and earns the respect of everyone else. For every person on the planet there is probably a different idea about what Utopia is. They should all realize that no one is going to get their Utopia under these conditions. They probably already realize that by now. So what I'm suggesting is that their best hope in this situation is that they all mostly get along. The interesting thing about the show is every time something goes wrong, we can ask ourselves what was the problem? How could it have been prevented? Will future guests on future shows, if any, learn from these mistakes or are these problems always a function of simple stupidity? If stupidity is always the answer, the show is uninteresting and can teach us nothing. For instance, the issue of nudity could be dealt with reasonably by respecting everyone's sensitivities. A nude time could be established around the bathing area, and those that did not want to be offended could not go there at that time If there is a second season and the show is a success, it's likely that a better class of volunteers show up. The question the producers are probably asking themselves is that without conflict, what would the show be about?
ripcurlpro6 Wow guys, you'll do the standard thing, fire up Utopia, think its and interesting concept, give yourself time to "get into it", and when the credits roll, you will wonder why you invested the time to watch the whole episode when you repeatedly told yourself throughout the episode "I should just go do something else". Here's the news, it doesn't get any better, you think "maybe something will happen, maybe something exciting", and you'll be let down.It simply shows you how disgustingly people can treat and speak to one another. Big Brother meets Survivor. Quality programming? unfortunately not.(and thats coming from the guy who actually likes Big Brother)
mikecart1 I tuned into this show by accident due to there nothing being on worthwhile on the 150+ other channels I unfortunately get and pay for. I wasn't planning on watching anything for long because I was about to go out to the gym.Anyways, I was like "let's see what this show is about". Well I figured that out within 5 minutes. This might be the worst show on TV today and one of the worst shows ever created in the modern area of TV.Reason 1: If you notice, you will see a pattern in this cast members in charge of creating this Utopian society. Half of them apparently didn't work before the show and the other half were employed in jobs that are not very well paid or regarded when compared to other jobs that require college education and above. Not hating. But having a marketing assistant, preacher, and yoga instructor in charge of the food supply isn't really making sense to me.Reason 2: What is the point of this show? Like really. Watch it for 10 minutes and try to figure out what is the point to any of it. It is like a reality show with no true purpose. Yeah, they are supposed to make a "Utopian" society. But for what? Reason 3: This show is utterly boring. There is nothing here you haven't seen on hundreds of other reality shows. You got promiscuous people, you got weirdos, you got honest people that get walked on, you got your typical disrespectful people, etc.If I could, I'd give this a 0/10 and feel I was still being nice.