Unspun World with John Simpson

Unspun World with John Simpson

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 08/05/2024 May 08, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines what Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan for Gaza is now, looks at the mood on the Ukrainian frontline ahead of the arrival of US military aid, and analyses what is at stake in the South African general election.

EP2 15/05/2024 May 15, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, analyses why Israel’s government is deliberately flouting the wishes of its closest ally, the United States, examines the extent of China’s infiltration into western countries and looks at why there have been mass protests in Georgia over a new law.

EP3 22/05/2024 May 22, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines how the relationship between Russia and China has changed, analyses the state of European politics in the wake of the attempted assassination of Slovakia's prime minister and looks at whether the idea of a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians has any future after the Gaza War?

EP4 29/05/2024 May 29, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines how a snap general election might change the UK's position in the world, explores whether Iran's governing elite can win back popular support after the death of President Raisi, and analyses the new shape of the Middle East.

EP5 05/06/2024 Jun 05, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines the new threats to peace and security on the 80th anniversary of the Allies' D-Day campaign to liberate Western Europe, explores why after 30 years in power the African National Congress party has failed to win a majority in the South African parliament, and explores why immigration is a key issue in elections this year in many countries.

EP6 12/06/2024 Jun 12, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines whether the Israeli government will survive the resignations of two leading cabinet members, explores why US economic growth isn’t having a greater impact on the presidential election and assesses why Narendra Modi’s BJP party failed to win an absolute majority in critical elections there.

EP7 19/06/2024 Jun 19, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines whether Ukraine is now preparing for a deal, assesses what’s at stake as Nato members prepare for their annual summit in Washington next month, and asks who owns the moon as we enter a new era of lunar exploration. As football's European Championship, the Euros, gets into full swing, he assesses why the beautiful game is coming under increasing scrutiny by regulators and fans alike.

EP8 26/06/2024 Jun 26, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines the key issues for voters in the UK’s imminent general election, explores the plight of women in Afghanistan after almost three years under Taliban rule, and looks at the impact of the extreme heat affecting parts of the world this summer.

EP9 25/09/2024 Sep 25, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, looks at life in Beirut as Israel's war with Hezbollah intensifies, analyses the state of the US election and examines the chances of transforming the United Nations.

EP10 02/10/2024 Oct 02, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, analyses what Iran’s strategy will be in the wake of Israel’s assault on Hezbollah, looks at how the attack is being seen inside Israel and examines the disappearance of one of China’s leading economists.

EP11 09/10/2024 Oct 09, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, analyses the prospects for the Middle East following the anniversary of the 7 October attacks on Israel, examines Russia’s recent advances in the war in Ukraine and looks at the state of democracy in Tunisia after the president wins re-election.

EP12 16/10/2024 Oct 16, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, analyses Israel's long-term strategy in the Middle East, explores whether the US Government will force Google to break up, and examines what is fast becoming the deadliest migrant journey in the world: the Atlantic crossing from west Africa to the Canary Islands.

EP13 23/10/2024 Oct 23, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, analyses the attitudes of other countries in the Middle East towards Israel's wars in Gaza and Lebanon, examines the signs of a recovery in the global economy and looks at the Italian prime minister's right-wing domestic agenda.

EP14 30/10/2024 Oct 30, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, analyses how the Iranian regime might respond to Israel's attack on the country, examines the role of disinformation in the US Presidential election and looks at whether a rape trial in Provence could change French society.

EP15 06/11/2024 Nov 06, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines how the US presidential campaign has highlighted the deep divisions in the country, analyses the future for Hezbollah in Lebanon in the wake of Israel’s attacks, and looks at the challenges of life in Afghanistan under the Taliban.

EP16 13/11/2024 Nov 13, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines the implications of a second Trump term for US foreign policy, analyses the role of Saudi Arabia in the search for stability in the Middle East and looks at why South Korean culture has such a global appeal.

EP17 20/11/2024 Nov 20, 2024

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, examines the risk of escalation in Russia’s war with Ukraine, analyses the political situation in Germany ahead of a snap general election there, and looks at the crisis in the Anglican church in the wake of the resignation of the archbishop of Canterbury.

EP18 22/01/2025 Jan 22, 2025

John Simpson is in Taiwan for a special episode of Unspun World where he reflects on the extraordinary rollercoaster of Chinese politics over the last 60 years. With the BBC experts in the region, John examines the growing tensions between Taiwan and China and explores how China may deal with Trump 2.0 as the US President once again takes office.

EP19 29/01/2025 Jan 29, 2025

John Simpson visits Russia's neighbour Latvia for a special episode of Unspun World where he reflects on how the collapse of the Soviet Union has shaped Putin’s Russia. With BBC experts in the region, John explores how a second Trump presidency may affect the war in Ukraine and looks at the Baltic balancing act over the threat from Moscow.

EP20 05/02/2025 Feb 05, 2025

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8.1| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 23 February 2022 Returning Series
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Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0014tb0

Unspun World provides an unvarnished version of the week's major global news stories - reliable, honest and essential viewing with the BBC's world affairs editor John Simpson.

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