The humor certainly is not for adult, certainly not educated and or intelligent adults. It's lower grade school humor for the less applied children. Terrible. The worst part is that the immature judgmental person not intelligent enough to write comedy and instead passes judgment on comical videos, genuinely thinks his funny.This person appears to have been the less applied kid in school because of apathy and or lack of competence who passed judgment on everyone else in class to boost his self esteem.He continues being the same immature child now as an adult and very much feel sorry for him. Someone should break the news to him and tell him he isn't funny. If the person delivering the show on the other hand is slow and that is the best his competent level can accomplish, then I apologize for my review and rate him excellent and encourage him to continue to carry on with his sketch.If he is not slow than the show proves Americans are not the brightest apples on the trees and are in fact the least bit educated to find this show funny, but that is a whole different problem.I can't believe anyone older than nine with a competent level of intelligence would find this show funny. I my opinion it is a show for a targeted audience of under 9 compose of the lesser competent kids who sit in the back of the classroom with a complete absent level of productivity and spend their day in class passing judgment on their fellow classmates and throwing balled up sheet of papers to their heads. This show is truly awful. Watch a minute or two of it and you will see.
I absolutely LOVE this show!!! Not since John Henson (now relegated to Wipeout) and Hal Sparks on Talk soup (currently hosted by the unreasonably restrained Joel McHale) have I thought that there would ever be a comedian this funny!! His "Take no prisoners" and "Now don't you feel stupid" attitude makes ignorant people take a hard look in the mirror warts and all! He makes statements that are completely outrageous and sacrilegious so that only the inordinately pigheaded autocrats and self important knee-jerk reactionaries (who are offended anyway and really?!?! Those who live their lives searching for reasons to be offended so that they can jump out of their cushy, overstuffed, easy chairs, to take up their holier than thou torch of self righteousness and set aflame ideals from our ignorant, uneducated past to ignite the fuse of other idiots to demand censors to blunt every corner so that no one ever has to suffer from the indignity of having their narrow, closed minds cracked open to let the light of the twenty first century!!!
Wes de Vries
Tosh.O is the pinnacle of comedy, well, at least on 'Comedy Central', because truth to be told, there isn't much going on these days since Breaking Bad ended.The host, Daniel Tosh, brings us the viral and the not-so-viral videos and delivers hilarious, and somewhat offensive commentary. Me myself, I don't think it's THAT offensive at all, but that's just your personal bubble of morals.The web redemptions and video breakdowns can get a bit silly at times, but that doesn't take away one bit of the "hate all people" stand-up Daniel Tosh unleashes at the audience.Bottom line, tl;dr: Don't watch this if you're easily offended.
I have only seen about half of season three of Tosh.0 (free on youtube). If you like crude humor, which I do, there's a lot to laugh at in this show. Initially, I found myself laughing hysterically at both the videos and the comedic bits and to criticize the show based solely on the low-brow nature of the jokes is unfair and probably means that you just don't like that brand of humor. This being said, there's a real dark side to this show which, ultimately, far outweighs the enjoyable aspects. For the life of me, I cannot understand why a television show would make fun of people who often times are clearly getting seriously, seriously injured. It's one thing to watch a video where a person appears to get injured, but then they get up and, while perhaps a little bruised, clearly are okay. It's something completely different to watch a video and be left with the thought that you just might have seen someone get crippled or, in rare cases, even died, and then hear rather tasteless jokes about it. There is a sickening aftertaste to these moments and for all of the genuinely funny moments, if you are like me, this particular aspect is enough to cause one to never watch another episode.