Time travel is always a fun concept because we always wonder what would it be like if we saw either the future or past and how would we react, however this was probably the same thing even people from the past or even far future are thinking also.This is an under the radar gem, and yeah it's another childhood relic which I saw when I was about 12 or 13 so there is a sense of nostalgia. Yeah it's true this show isn't really anything new in format, but it's everything done right.I do like the plot which is simple but effective on a scientist named Zambi turned to the dark side and sends himself and numerous criminals to help in ruling the future. It's kinda uncannily similar and even predates the show "Continum" but "Continum" was more dark serious sci-fi, this show is more light fun pulp sci-fi. Despite a good plot, I do think it's a bit inconsistent since all the criminals aren't really working with Zambi but are all really doing their own thing. So it makes me wonder what the real purpose of sending criminals though time was for; from this I could only draw three conclusions 1. Either he did this as a way to somehow tip the balance of the future. 2. A few of them could be working for him and are just financing his operations from their own. 3. Zambi could of sent multiple criminals just to run interference for him since he knew Darien would be after him, so he can focus and work on his own operation. I don't know your conclusions are as good as mine, but like with most pulp sci-fi I didn't always think too much I just rolled with whatever they delivered and had fun. The action is solid, it choreographed well. And I like the theme song which is a solid fun theme.What makes this a bit different if not entirely unique is this is a person from the future and not the present or even the past which both have been done numerous times. You would think just because Darrien is from the future he'd be a step ahead of us, but he's not he's sort of in the same spot as us which is understandable; despite being in the past and even reading about it, he's never really lived it which would make everything seem a bit foreign to him.And I thought the protagonist Darrien Lambart was cool, he has charisma and it was always fun and funny how he reacted toward our present time. It's kinda might be how we might react, just seeing how certain things are around that aren't there anymore which of course gives him a wave of nostalgia since he's a history buff. Or even how there are some things that aren't made or accessible yet, like in one episode his favorite restaurant doesn't have the recipe for his favorite meal Chicken Pot Pie. It's a small detail but it's those details that make it all the more funny and just remind you how out of place Darrien truly is. Even like the fact he doesn't use guns kinda like "MacGyver", though unlike him the reason for that is in his time firearms are banned or no longer in use, so he's not trained to use them which I think is a good reason not to use them. But he doesn't even need them because we want to see him the few things he has in his travels.One which is the time staller ability which is kinda like bullet time in "The Matrix" which he has this psychic like ability to make what he sees seem slower than the average amount of time it takes to move. This gives him one step ahead in the game because it allows him enough time to react or counterattack an oncoming situation.Two of course is the Pellet Projection Tube weapon, in other words the laser gun. Which is a non lethal weapon that can stun enemies or send them straight back though time. It's always in the form of a car alarm, which I'll admit make it seem less impressive but it makes sense since it's a weapon from the future that has to be concealed by camouflaging it as an everyday thing.Three is the computer Selma, whom is a guide for Darrien. But also in a way the buddy cop element, a person for Darrien to go back and forth with and both do have a solid back and forth which is funny; kinda like Kitt and Michael in "Knight Rider" there's also something funny and strange about a human and machine becoming and working as buddies.The only bad things are Darrien's past is never really explored nor is Zambi's plot really tackled or developed much despite both having a rich amount of depth. But you have to understand this was a show in the 90's and like most shows back then they were most to all on an episodic format and none or very few did the ongoing developing plot line format much like the shows we have now like "Lost" and others. So I can't really complain much about that and the advantage with episodic format is it allows more creative freedom which of course means more fun and that's what this show is meant to be.Overall it's a solid sci-fi in which I personally wouldn't mind if it got a revival of some sort, for that matter only time will tell. "Time Trax" is on the right track.Rating: 3 stars
I miss TV shows like this one! Why don't they make good old fashioned Sci Fi television shows like this one anymore? Those were the days! Sweet. Fairly innocent. Fun. Action. Good guy vs. evil guy. Good guy always wins. Plain and simple. This show always reminded me of Quantum Leap. The whole time travel thing and SELMA being a hologram, like Al was on Quantum Leap. I loved watching this show when it aired in the 1990's! I sure wish I could watch this show again. I cannot find it out on TV reruns or DVD or online anywhere. Does anyone know where to find Time Trax online or on DVD? If anyone has any idea where to find this show, please reply to this message. Thanks!
Why did Daren always give a speech to the bad guy before sending them back to the future??? He would be pointing the device at the guy and he'd go on and on about how justice must be done and about the original crime. He would point the thing at the guy for like 3 minutes. blah blah blah just shoot him! Lets just give him more and more of a chance to get away with every passing second. The speeches got more and more dramatic towards the end of the show too. Sometimes the bad guy would even grab a knife or something from across the room and even still darien wont shoot him because that moment had to be reserved for the very last scene. pretty dumb if you ask me but I still enjoyed the show.
Rod in PSP
It is rare that I find myself looking forward to watching re-run TV programs, "Time Trax" is one of those interesting shows that I keep tuning in for on the SciFi Channel.Darien Lambert (Dale Midkiff) is a policeman from the future (25th Century or so) who must travel back in time (usually the present) to find and send back to his time "criminals" who have also time travelled and are usually endangering the current time's inhabitants with advanced devices ("of EVIL").Darien is assisted by his holographic computer "Selma" (smartly played by Elizabeth Alexander) who appears from his rather futuristic credit card / weapon / transporter.This show is pure fantasy and, at times, corny, but Dale Midkiff makes his character impressively believable.