Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

EP1 The Great Adventure May 30, 2022

Born into a world of privilege in an America on the brink of global expansion, Theodore Roosevelt fights to make his mark in the world. His thirst for life takes him to the halls of power in New York, the Dakota Badlands, and the battlefields of Cuba...but at age 42, fate intervenes to propel him toward his greatest adventure yet.

EP2 The Man in the Arena May 31, 2022

After President McKinley's assassination, Roosevelt takes the reins during one of the most turbulent periods in American history. Relentless and compassionate, his determination to fight for the working man reshapes the political landscape forever and leads America into the 20th century.
8.1| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 30 May 2022 Ended
Producted By: Pastimes Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

The two-part premium miniseries event on Theodore Roosevelt, the first modern President of the United States, will provide a rich, panoramic biography weaving Roosevelt's captivating personal story while revealing little-known truths behind his expansive curiosity, restless spirit and the profound, lasting impact he has had on the country.

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Producted By

Pastimes Productions

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