I had not seen these episodes but was familiar with Indy as a teenager so I decided to give them a go as they are currently streaming. And I know why I never watched them: boring. Correy Carrier plays the young Jones (age 10/11) as a petulant brat. All I want to do is put the kid over my knee and give him the spanking his father won't. And I suspect George Hall was picked as he could channel the clipped speech and sound of Sean Connery. It couldn't have been for acting ability. While the stories are visually beautiful, I can see where the budget went, and the inclusion of historical characters is interesting, the plots are for the most part slow and slower. Travels with Father is so bad it is a series killer. I guess if you are trapped at home in a snowstorm and there is nothing else available and there isn't a book in the house or even the back of a cereal box to read then you might consider watching these. What was George Lucas thinking÷
Sorry but every time I give this show a chance, it bores the crap out of me. I haven't seen all the episodes. The ones I've seen didn't have Indy chasing after totems with any powers, while that was all the fun of the films. I don't particularly need to know where Indy came from. I also didn't think the actors looked or acted anything like Indiana. There's a reason this show wasn't a hit. Boring. Lucas and Spielberg should have been developing a 4th Indiana movie at this time, when it was still relatively REMEMBERED by people. Instead this is what we got, while they waited to make the 4th Indy movie after a whole generation of 18 year olds don't even know who Indiana Jones is. They're just milking this concept mad hard while only the first film, Raiders, is standing the test of time. How many people even bought Temple and Crusade individually and not part of a box set with Raiders? Indiana Jones was one badass MF when he chased after the Ark. You could drag him behind a truck and put a bullet in his arm and he'd still defeat several Nazis with nothing but his fists. The flaw is that all later films and shows seemed to forget this Indy in order to kiddy it up a little instead. That never works. Look what they did to Die Hard.
Right now, this is running in the UK - and literally right now I am watching Tales of Innocence. I have seen many of them and I think they are outstanding ENTERTAINMENTS. Yes, there are clips from other action films - so what; the plots, being 'history', are predictable. Though yesterday "Daredevil of The Desert" was great fun. As absurd as it may sound, I have learnt interesting 'facts' - where they ARE facts - around the period of WW1. And which, I believe, is especially important these days when it seems that so many young people know so little and are more easily fed by comic films. Apart from fun, if the kids are watching this, that's a bonus! It's good photography, film work as well as being history and geography and politics. I am not someone who would care to bisect a butterfly just because you can't milk it! Mike Newman
I cannot agree with Krumski from Cincinnati, Young Indianna Jones is fresh, production values are better than many films made at the present.
I think Sean Patrick Flanery does a great job of playing Indianna Jones after all he is supposed to be 16/18yrs of age, how would he act....l also think the bringing real life characters into the series made it more realistic as a whole, l think it`s a great series and only wish l had more of them, l only have about 5...Maybe we in the Uk and not as demanding.....:-)
9/10 for the series