The Veil

The Veil

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Vision of Crime Jan 01, 1958

While on a boat trip to Paris, a man has a vision in which he sees his brother murdered. He returns to England to discover that his brother has been killed and that a man he knows isn't the murderer is the prime suspect. Who is the murderer and how will the man ferret the killer out without mentioning his vision and seeming like a nut-case? Find out by going "Behind The Veil".

EP2 Girl on the Road Jan 01, 0001

A young man helps a beautiful, young woman who is stranded by the side of the road...her cars gas tank empty. He drives her to town to get gas and have a drink. When a bartender calls someone named "Morgan Debs" (Karloff), the girl panics and leaves, but promises the young man she will meet with him later and tell him who "Morgan Debs" is. Will they meet? Why do the townspeople not want to talk about the girl? Go "Behind The Veil" to find out!

EP3 Food on the Table Jan 01, 0001

A captain returns from a sea voyage to a wife he does not love. He saves her life after she is bitten by a snake. He almost immediately regrets having done so, as he learns that a woman who is smitten with him has been recently widowed and has inherited a large sum of money. He plots his wife's murder, but will he succeed in his plans even if he is successful in ridding himself of his cumbersome wife?

EP4 The Doctors Jan 01, 0001

"Dr. Angelo Marcabienti", returns home to the small Italian village he grew up in his. His father, also a doctor, is old and tired and "Angelo" wants him to retire and move to the city to live with him, but the townspeople won't let him. When the elder doctor is called to the home of a patient, "Angelo" attends to another patient, but the family won't allow him to operate until the "real" doctor arrives. Will the elder "Marcabienti" arrive in time? Look "Behind The Veil" to find out!

EP5 The Crystal Ball Jan 01, 0001

A flighty French girl leaves her lover, a young writer, to marry his boss. As a parting gift, she gives him an ornamental crystal ball. This is a distraction, since the crystal shows him scenes of her carrying on with other men behind her new husband's back.

EP6 Genesis Jan 01, 0001

The two sons of a dying farmer quarrel over the old man's will. A message from beyond the grave points the elder son to the story of Esau and Jacob in the book of Genesis.

EP7 Summer Heat Jan 01, 0001

A man witnesses a robbery and murder in the apartment across the street from his own. When the police are called, it is discovered that the apartment is empty. Has he seen what he thinks he has seen? Are we dealing with the past, the present or the future? Only those willing to go "Behind The Veil" will know for sure.

EP8 The Return of Madame Vernoy Jan 01, 0001

In August of 1927, Madame Sita Vernoy dies in a small town in India, leaving a grieving husband and a newborn son. One year and ten days later, Santha Naidu is born in Delhi: a girl-child who slowly begins to remember her previous life as Madame Vernoy. When she grows to maturity, these memories are instrumental in changing the life of her widowed husband and the son who is one year older than herself.

EP9 Destination Nightmare Jan 01, 0001

A young man, badgered by his father to work in his aviation company, sees a vision of a man while on a routine air-flight. The vision tells him to go to a certain location and he a trance. He is stopped by his copilot before their plane crashes. Later on he sees something that makes him think he knows who the vision was. He must go "Behind The Veil" to find out if he's correct.

EP10 Whatever Happened to Peggy May 14, 1958

A young woman assumes the identity and memories of another girl that died years earlier.
7.2| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 1958 Canceled
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The legendary actor Boris Karloff presents a chilling collection of short stories of horror and suspense.

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Rainey Dawn Such a shame this mini-series never aired but luckily it is available on video. It is well worth seeking out - and not just for fans of Boris Karloff but for fans of mystery and horror. There are actually 12 episodes in all but "The Vestris" and "Peggy" are released under the title "Tales of the Unexplained".These tales are all horror but strongly a part of the mystery genre as well - at least I them to be.Karloff is in quite a few of these and not just our host of the show - which makes them even better. As usual he's a bit scary in most of them and good as always.This is a series a would recommend highly for fans of Murder, Mystery, Horror and of Karloff.9/10
capnboffo I'll be brief, "The Veil" is fine fun, especially if you're a Karloff fan. Too bad it was never finished, but then if it had been we would have probably seen it all a million times by now. Nice to see old Boris on the small screen chewing the scenery in his indomitable style. It is all trying to find what Twilight Zone would do in a very polished style with much tighter writing and higher production values a few years later, with another great host. I miss Karloff and Serling, but am glad to have come across this nugget. Grab yourself a cup of tea, put your feet up and watch one or two. They are only twenty-five minutes each and not frightening merely intriguing. The stories remind me of an old story collection called "Strangely Enough" which my friends and I used to read to each other by flashlight after dark. And, after-all, they are hosted by "Karloff the Uncanny", listen to that classic voice and baby that's rich.
Witchfinder General 666 "The Veil" is a 1958 TV series which consists of only 10 episodes, and which is hosted by none other than the ultimate Horror icon, the incomparable Boris Karloff himself. As a huge fan of Classic Horror in general and Karloff in particular, I was looking forward to seeing the episodes quite a bit. Overall, I must say that I was neither disappointed nor exceptionally stunned. The series sure was a neat idea, and it is superb entertainment and great fun that I highly recommend for all my classic Horror buffs. And yet, expectations should not be too high. The episodes are entirely entertaining. They differ in quality, however, and while this is referred to as a 'Horror' series, it could be labeled 'Fantasy' and 'Mystery' just as well.The episodes always behind in a highly likable manner, with a short introduction from Karloff, who is sitting next to a fireplace in what is presumably a castle hall. The stories narrated are supposedly based on true events, which Karloff always manifests in his introductions. As stated above, the particular episodes differ in quality. While episodes such as "Jack The Ripper", "Summer Heat" or "Girl on the Road" are eerie and intelligent little stories that deliver everything possibly desirable in only 25 minutes, some other episodes, such as "Genesis" or "The Return Of Madame Vernoy" are only enjoyable for sentimental reasons, as the entertaining, camp fun they are. Two of the episodes, "Jack The Ripper" and "Destination: Nightmare", were also released as TV-films in the same year. Additional to being the show's host, Boris Karloff can be seen in (sometimes small, sometimes bigger) roles in all episodes but one (the final episode, "Jack The Ripper" which nonetheless remains the best episode in my opinion). Karloff is, of course, superb as always, the performances from the other actors differ, but they were entirely decent. Out of more recent shows, "The Veil" could probably most adequately be compared with "Beyond Belief: Fact Or Fiction", with the difference that this show got a higher cult- and entertainment value, and the great Boris Karloff as a host. So, don't expect to be scared out of your pants by the mysterious little stories presented here, but prepare for several episodes of vintage fun with the greatest host imaginable. Recommended to lovers of enjoyable classic spooks, and particularly to my fellow Karloff-fans.
bainslie "The Veil", a 1950's pilot series introduced by and starring Boris Karloff, concerned itself with ghostly tales and psychic phenomena. Although it was never taken up as a full series by a major network it still was quite entertaining. It is worth watching because of Karloff's own unique acting style and also because of the topics covered. One gets the impression that if it had been given a run then "The Veil" would have developed into a long running series investigating topics so well covered by future shows such as "The Twilight Zone" and "The X Files". It is a short series that a public television company would find useful in running in order to capture for a time a loyal viewing audience interested in ghostly tales or psychic phenomena. One of its best shows was the one about Jack the Ripper which will certainly get its viewers once again reading up books on this topic. A series well worth watching.