The Ruff and Reddy Show


Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Dizzy Deputies Dec 19, 1959

A swamp pirate, Jean La Fitt, runs amok and spoils Ruff and Reddy's fishing trip.

EP2 Later Later, Alligator Dec 19, 1959

Deputized by Sheriff Cotton E. Pickens, the boys and Pickens are pursued by an alligator.

EP3 Gator Caper Dec 19, 1959

The alligator, knocked out by La Fitt, makes friends with Ruff after he revives him.

EP4 Chip Off the Old Chopper Dec 26, 1959

Ruff names the alligator Chopper, and adds him to the pirate posse.

EP5 La Fitt to Be Tied Dec 26, 1959

La Fitt is cornered but makes an escape.

EP6 Hide and Go Seek on Okeechonokee Creek Dec 26, 1959

Ruff, Reddy and Sheriff Pickens try to find La Fitt's hideout.

EP7 Boom Boom Doom Jan 02, 1960

La Fitt turns his cannons on our heroes.

EP8 Spellbound Fool in a Round Whirlpool Jan 02, 1960

LaFitt creates a whirlpool to stop Pickens, Ruff and Reddy.

EP9 Fast Chase Through a Spooky Place Jan 02, 1960

Our heroes look for LaFitt's hideout.

EP10 Looks Like the End for a Cotton Picking Friend Jan 09, 1960

Cotton Pickens nearly meets his doom.

EP11 No Laff on Half of a Raft Jan 09, 1960

Chopper nearly destroys the raft our heroes are using.

EP12 Gator Thrills and Whooshmobiles Jan 09, 1960

Ruff turns Chopper into a makeshift whooshmobile.

EP13 Trapped and Snapped Sap Jan 09, 1960

Chopper helps with the final corralling of LaFitt.

EP14 Spooky Meeting at Spooky Rock Jan 16, 1960

Ruff and Reddy are trainbound for Spooky Rock where a rendezvous with Professor Gizmo is to take place

EP15 Dig the Bigger Digger Jan 16, 1960

Gizmo presents his invention, a mobile borer with which he plans to gather substrata data in the mountains. The outlaws Killer and Diller follow our heroes.

EP16 The Secret Bizz of Professor Gizz Jan 16, 1960

Killer and Diller watch in amazement as Gizmo tests out his borer.

EP17 Test Hop Flip Flop Jan 23, 1960

Satisfied with the borer's success, Killer and Diller plan to hijack it with the plan of finding the Lost Dutchman mine.

EP18 Sticks and Stones and Aching Bones Jan 23, 1960

Killer and Diller show up and force Gizmo to drive the borer to the Lost Dutchman mine.

EP19 Gun, Gun, Who's Got the Gun? Jan 23, 1960

After a lights-out fight, Ruff gets the drop on Killer and Diller. Reddy ties them up and transports them away to the nearest jail.

EP20 Big Papoose on the Loose Jan 30, 1960

A bump in the road causes Killer and Diller to bump off Reddy's car. The outlaws make a getaway with Reddy in pursuit.

EP21 Mine, Mine, All Mine Gold Mine Jan 30, 1960

Jumping off a railroad bridge, Killer and Diller land in a river. Reddy returns to the borer.

EP22 Gold Data in the Substrata Jan 30, 1960

Gizmo, Ruff and Reddy discover an illuminated mine. Killer and Diller discover a secret entrance back to the mine.

EP23 The Ghost with the Most Feb 06, 1960

Our heroes meet Schultz, the ghost of the Lost Dutchman. Killer and Diller pursue him in a merry chase.

EP24 In the Soup with a Supernatural Snoop Feb 06, 1960

Killer and Diller force Ruff, Reddy and Gizmo into piling the borer with bags of gold.

EP25 Sneaky Knaves in the Caves Feb 06, 1960

Schultz secretly leads our heroes to a safe place while having fun at Killer and Diller's expense.

EP26 Tailspin Twins Feb 06, 1960

Schultz lets Killer and Diller leave with all the gold they can carry. But there's a catch -- the gold disappears once the two are outside, and their entrance is sealed off.

EP27 Sky High Fly Guys Feb 13, 1960

After running afoul of a carnival policeman, Ruff and Reddy hide out in a hot-air balloon which slips its moorings.

EP28 A Tisket, a Tasket, Who Lost Their Basket? Feb 13, 1960

Ruff and Reddy find themselves in midair.

EP29 Three's a Crowd in a Cloud Feb 13, 1960

Ruff and Reddy try to ward off a giant vulture which is attacking their balloon.

EP30 Fine Feathered Birds of a Feather Feb 20, 1960

Ruff and Reddy land near an island and hear a voice repeatedly calling, "Help! Murder! Police!"

EP31 A Bird in Hand Is a Handy Bird Feb 20, 1960

Our heroes find a Swedish sailor, Skipper Kipper, and his parrot Squawky Talky, held prisoner by Captain Greedy and Saltwater Daffy. The two yeggs want a map to a treasure from Kipper.

EP32 No Laffy Daffy Feb 20, 1960

Guarding the shack where Kipper and Squawky Talky are imprisoned, Daffy hears Ruff and Reddy's voices.

EP33 Tiff on a Skiff Feb 27, 1960

Ruff and Reddy help Kipper and Squawky escape, much to Captain Greedy's irritation.

EP34 Sub a Dub Dub Feb 27, 1960

Our heroes and Skipper and Kipper commandeer Captain Greedy's sub.

EP35 Squawky No Talky Feb 27, 1960

Having returned to power of their ship, Greedy threatens bodily harm to Squawky Talky if Kipper doesn't reveal the map.

EP36 Big Beak Tweaks Big Sneak Mar 05, 1960

Squawky Talky turns the tables on Saltwater Daffy.

EP37 Off on a Toot with the Loot to Boot Mar 05, 1960

Captain Greedy and Saltwater Daffy leave the island under the pretense of giving up the search. Skipper Kipper reveals the map to Ruff and Reddy.

EP38 Thanks a Lot for X Marks the Spot Mar 05, 1960

Once the treasure's location is exposed, Greedy and Daffy return.

EP39 Tail of a Sail in a Whale Mar 05, 1960

Greedy and Daffy obtain the treasure, which winds up getting swallowed by a whale.

EP40 Misguided Missile Mar 12, 1960

Ruff and Reddy answer an ad for the promise of travel and adventure. A wily professor tricks them into taking off in a rocket ship.

EP41 Triple Trouble Trip Mar 12, 1960

The professor instructs Ruff and Reddy to gather information on the moon as they orbit around it.

EP42 Around the Moon in Eighty Ways Mar 12, 1960

An errant button press sends the rocket off course.

EP43 Button, Button, Who Pushed the Button? Mar 19, 1960

The rocket heads for a mysterious planet.

EP44 No Traces of Aces of Spaces Mar 19, 1960

The boys are held captive by a race of tiny aliens, the Lilipunis.

EP45 Lilipunies Meet Mooney Goonies Mar 19, 1960

Bound by the Lilipunies, Ruff and Reddy plead their case.

EP46 Little Guys are a Big Surprise Mar 26, 1960

Ruff and Reddy, along with the Lilipunies, are menaced by a creature called the Blop.

EP47 Two Is Company — a Million Is a Little Crowded Mar 26, 1960

Reddy's dander is raised when he sees the Blop picking on the Lilipunies.

EP48 Big Bop for a Big Flop Mar 26, 1960

Reddy fights back against the Blop, who takes Ruff captive.

EP49 Things Get Tough for Ruff — Sure 'Nuff Apr 02, 1960

Reddy searches the Blop's cave for Ruff.

EP50 Whap — Caught in a Trap by a Sap Apr 02, 1960

The Lilipunies help Reddy construct a spider web with which the catch the Blop.

EP51 Spin, Spin a Web to Catch a Blop In Apr 02, 1960

The boys beat a hasty retreat to their rocket.

EP52 Have Blop, Will Travel Apr 02, 1960

After the Blop gets away in the boys' rocket, the Lilipunies come up with a mode of transportation for Ruff and Reddy to return to Earth.
6.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 14 December 1957 Ended
Producted By: Hanna-Barbera Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

The Ruff and Reddy Show is a Hanna-Barbera animated series starring Ruff, a straight and smart cat voiced by Don Messick, and Reddy, a dumb and stupid dog voiced by Daws Butler. First broadcast in December 1957 on NBC, it was the first television show produced by Hanna-Barbera and presented by Screen Gems, the television arm of Columbia Pictures.

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wsutton_49 I remember this show, when it first aired as a Saturday morning show. Never missed it. I was 7 or 8 at the time, have always had the words to the theme in my head, but could have sworn it debuted in 1956, based on where we lived at the time. (My dad was in the AF & I remember shows, music, fads, etc. based on where we lived since we moved every 2 or 3 years.) At any rate, I remember it was about a cat & a dog who were best friends, with the dog looking out for the cat. Episodes were introduced by a live actor/narrator/host. Seems like the host was the same voice heard as the narrator of most HB cartoons after that. Figured out later this was the first TV cartoon series from HB after they left MGM, where they produced/directed the best of all the Tom & Jerry cartoons. They had developed a simpler method to make cartoons quicker & cheaper, almost eliminating the need for large art departments. In that respect this little cartoon series helped bring about the decline and eventual end of large studio cartoon departments at MGM, WB, etc. Soon after this success they followed with the Huckleberry Hound Show on weekday afternoons, followed by Yogi Bear's own show and all their other afternoon and Saturday shows, many of which were almost copies of some of the earlier MGM cartoon series. Of course they also made history with the first prime time cartoon series, The Flintstones, in 1960. While not a copy of an earlier cartoon it was loosely based on 'The Honeymooners'.
jumpshotinyourface "Ruff n' Reddy" was a fun to watch and suspenseful TV cartoon series. The weekly adventures were a treat for kids in the 7 to 10 year old range, and the stories were always fresh and interesting to the young and curious mind. I must fully agree with Mr. 'wdbasinger' on the "cliffhanger" technique employed at the end of every half hour show. The only story line I can still recollect was the pair's abduction to another planet by the "Munimula" robots (yes, aluminum spelled backwards). These creations were one-wheeled, hemisphere-topped droids, perhaps fore-runners of "R2-D2" of "Star Wars" fame. At the end of one episode, I was horrified that our heroes were somehow trapped in an assembly line and about to be somehow transformed into Munimulas themselves!!! My brother and I had to fret through an entire week of dread until next Saturday morning to see them escape this awful fate. This show was one of my favorites during those years of Saturday morning bowls of cereal and hours of TV animation pleasure. If anyone knows where or how to buy these wonderful cartoons on DVD or VHS, please notify me. Thank you.
mark-simon These are the correct ones:Get set, get ready, Here come Ruff and Reddy. They're tough, but steady, Always rough and ready. They sometimes have their little spats, Even fight like dogs and cats, But when they need each other, That's when, they're rough and ready.They were the earliest cartoon I can remember as a kid growing up in Seattle. I didn't learn until two years ago that they were one of the early Hanna-Barbera cartoons, as was Tom And Jerry.I was reading the comment by ransom and realized immediately that he had the lyrics wrong. Can't have that now can we???Mark
consortpinguin Growing up in the late 1950s and early 1960s, my favorite time of the week was Saturday morning. I enjoyed a variety of cartoon and live-action shows such as Sky King, Fury, Leonardo the Lion, Howdy Doody, Texas Rangers, and especially "Ruff and Reddy."My keenest memory of this was the premiere on the Saturday morning right after I had my tonsils out. What a pleasant surprise just when I needed a lift, to see this great animated adventure show of a cat and dog drawn in to an adventure in the planet of robots called "Muni-Mula" which is aluminum spelled backwards. The evil leader, who literally would spin his head around between a kind face who would welcome you and the mean face that threatened you, was out to conquer the universe starting with Earth with his army of robots. The robots whizzing after our heroes on one wheel sometimes caught them, but in the end Ruff and Reddy managed to destroy the robot manufacturing assembly line and escape this planet just before it blows up. Hmm, come to think of it, I wonder if the authors of the film "Independence Day" might just have seen this show when they were little.Ruff and Reddy beat all the bad guys, including the Pirate Captain Greedy. There was one villian who fired missiles from inside a barn that opened up. This was, of course, during the Cold War just after the Russians launched Sputnik.My friends and I enjoyed many play adventures based on the Ruff and Reddy Episodes, and we also played World War II Marines and sometimes imagined World War III, especially on those Friday Afternoons when they tested the air raid sirens. The Cold War was a very real part of life, but we made the best out of it.And yes, I did see the movie "Thirteen Days" and yes, we really did come that close.