I'm pretty underwhelmed by this show. I think that his stand up comedy routines are fine but the sketches are really, really bad, and it's all him all the time, he just gets a bit old, more characters and guests (and less sketches maybe) would have been a better idea.
I give this show 1 out of 10. It is yet another pathetic attempt by CBC to make comedy for geezers. I recognize Ron James from countless other TV shows and programs and specials over the years and I actually remember seeing him do stand up comedy specials on TV years ago that I actually enjoyed watching. The problem is his comedy never changed and now he's super old and annoying, telling jokes you know the punchlines to, and desperately waving his arms around while loudly talking at 6000 words per minute in an effort to trick us into laughing. That is just the bad stand up comedy bits and those are actually the least objectionable parts of the show. The skits are so terrible I can't even watch. The Little Ronny cartoons are terrible and unfunny and don't even have a point, it's like somebody smoked a pound of crack and then tried to make a cartoon. I'm sure it's funny to whoever made it, but why do I want to watch a cartoon kid with a creepy old man head sit at a kitchen table and occasionally swear for two minutes with no discernible jokes? This show just plain stinks. Another loser for CBC who can't seem to shake themselves of the habit of putting really old people on TV long after they were funny at all. I'm guessing whenever they finally get rid of this show they'll just bring back Air Farce. I pretty much give up on CBC.
I liked Ron James's stand up special but this show is so awful it hurts. One of the worst shows I have ever had the displeasure to sit through. I have seen three episodes so I feel I gave it enough of a chance, this show is just awful. I will not be giving this show another chance, it has already taken enough of my precious time away. Apparently I have to write more lines for my review to have enough lines.........so.........okay, the sketches are awful. None of them have been funny, not a single one. Also Ron James has done a good stand up special before (like I said already) but his stand up in this show is not very good either. I don't remember laughing one single time while I was watching this show, maybe not even a smile, I don't remember being entertained at all for one single minute. It is an awful show, easily as bad as Royal Canadian Air Farce.
Sally Hodders
I have seen Ron James do live comedy on TV before and he's really unfunny. All he does is talk fast and use a lot of metaphors, I couldn't even watch him for more than one minute. But I can understand that some people like him (I guess older people like him as in my parents, my Dad likes watching his comedy shows). This show is just terrible though. The jokes are all so bad they make you cringe, the stand up is the same talking-fast-unfunny mess I was talking about, the animation was really bad and also not funny. The acting was terrible... especially Ron James who for some reason is in every single stupid sketch. This is one of the worst shows I've ever seen and it pains me even more because I know my tax money is paying for it. Booo!