The Real Housewives of Melbourne


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5.3| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 23 February 2014 Ended
Producted By: Matchbox Pictures
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Follow the busy, aspirational lifestyles of a group of driven and ambitious women who enjoy the lavish, pampered and cultured lifestyle of Melbourne. Between them, they own private jets, amazing homes and are married to high profile businessmen, including one to a rock star and another to a plastic surgeon.

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carlitaventures I'm not sure if anyone but myself realizes that "bad means good" in terms of what you want from a reality show. The more vapid, the better, when it comes to Real Housewives...and Melbourne is my favourite by FAR. Yes, that's the Queen's English.The only thing wrong with this show is that it has only just now been syndicated in Canada, and we've only been able to watch the first few episodes of Season 1.They admit to kinky sex, being spoiled, being eccentric, being filthy great! My ultimate reason to love it so far is that they use the "c-word"...and then call each other on how offensive it is! These bee-otches don't mess around and its refreshing compared to the ongoing popularity contest I see in the other instalments.Dear Slice TV: Please please please play all the seasons back to back until we catch up! A marathon never hurt anyone. ;)
Arifeen Ahmed I don't know if these shows (real housewives) are always made to be hated and get rating through the hatred or its just a coincidence that people don't want to watch these old bats running all over the screen with their fake sagging bodies and retarded acting. When i first saw the promo of this show i actually got excited because i honestly thought this is a new comedy series which should be very funny because these characters look absolutely ridiculous, and i thought the director actually got them to put the worst makeup on to make them look extra funny. honestly speaking these characters are defaming the actual housewives of Melbourne which are nothing like them and actually are very sweet and friendly. I specifically want to point out a couple of characters in this show which are just horrible to even look at let alone watch them move and act, First one is Chyka Keebaugh.... her face looks like it had a fight with a raven where the raven lost and she never combed her hair after that, with her kilos of makeup and her saggy t*ts she is very unbearable to look at. Second one is Janet Roach, when i first saw her walking towards the screen in the promo, i honestly thought this character is an old transvestite, looking at her face it looks like she had all her facial surgeries done during the Vietnam war, in the middle of the battle zone.... while falling from the plane,from a surgeon who was a Vietnamese spy and had nothing to lose at that point. Ohh and not to forget Gina Liano, i don't know who does her makeup on this freakshow, she looks like some 60 year old woman who tried to get a sex reassignment surgery but changed her mind halfway through.. All in all, this cheap and fake show should be canceled asap, if there is nothing to run in this slot just play anything...i can watch the grass in my yard grow with more interest than this show.
Jeffrey R Howard If someone was to negatively review this show, then they must seriously consider why they care so much as to bash it. I personally am able to see this series for what it is, and that is pure entertainment at it's near best! The construction is crafted at near perfection with the editing of interstitial and personal interviews. But what I love best about this program is that it takes me on a journey through the lives of truly interesting women on the other side of the planet going about their lives in extraordinary fashion. I WANT to visit Melbourne based on how it is shown here. I feel that Melbourne could be described as a contemporary version of San Francisco, only 'down under'. And who knew, amongst Americans, that there was a ski resort in Australia? I certainly didn't. And who knew that the fashion equivalent of Rodeo Drive actually does exist south of the equator? Love, love, love this unique perspective of privileged life in the city of Melbourne, and hope that it continues on for many more seasons to come. YOU GO GIRLS!!! shine, shine, SHINE!
Layne Elliott Well, I just finished binge-watching the entire season and I found it quite addicting. It was fun to see them going from one fabulous setting to another and, while their outfits were often "over the top", they were fun to see. I also think that all women were far more real and down to earth than any Housewives in the US shows.This is the way the original Housewives franchises were, full of glitz and silly quarrels - now we've got marginal women at best, obnoxious behaviors and sordid story lines. After all, these shows are not to be taken seriously - it's all for entertainment.I hope it comes back for a second season ... if not, I wish each woman the very best luck.