The Kingdom

The Kingdom

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 The Mustard Seed Jan 01, 2020

Josephine helps her neighbors, a widower and his daughter who suffered hearing loss in a car accident, by introducing them to a hearing-impaired rapper.

EP2 The Pearl of Great Price Jan 08, 2020

When a medical student wakes up to find that a newborn baby has been left at his home, he struggles to juggle his new responsibilities and his studies.

EP3 The Barren Fig Tree Jan 15, 2020

A very sick mother with tow sons - one responsible, and one irresponsible - devises a baking competition to determine which will inherit her bakery.

EP4 The Speck and the Log Jan 22, 2020

A young fashion designer, ashamed of her cash=strapped single father, lies to her best friend about her circumstances - leading to a big confrontation.

EP5 The Talents Jan 29, 2020

A talented but undervalued mechanical engineer and her cocky colleague go on an emergency repair mission to hopefully save the day.

EP6 A Friend at Midnight Feb 05, 2020

Six weeks before a dance competition, an agoraphobic dance teacher causes the split of a dance duo and the race is on to find a replacement dancer.
8.2| 0h30m| TV-PG| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2020 Ended
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Country: South Africa
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

The Kingdom is a South African television drama miniseries revolving around Bible parables and stories about faith, hope, love, and the work of realizing the best version of ourselves. The series depicts ordinary characters who, when faced with seemingly insurmountable struggles, discover their power. Josephine is an angel who lives in a rural African town called The Kingdom. She has been sent to guide six individuals in finding Heaven on Earth through repairing and building relationships and finding purpose and meaning in their lives.

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