The Garfield Show


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EP2 Rodent Rebellion: Invasion of the Rats (2) Oct 24, 2016

EP3 Rodent Rebellion: Ratzo's Revenge (3) Oct 24, 2016

EP4 Rodent Rebellion: A Game of Cat and Rat (4) Oct 24, 2016

5.7| 0h30m| TV-G| en| More Info
Released: 02 November 2009 Ended
Producted By: Paws
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Your favorite lazy, fat cat is at it again. Garfield, Odie, Jon and the rest of the gang are back for more funny misadventures. Whether he's scarfing down lasagna or tricking Nermal the kitten, Garfield is guaranteed to crack you up. But remember: He hates Mondays!

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OmegaVenomous I mean, it isn't the worst show ever, but it's pretty bad. I used to love this cartoon, but after a while, I realized it was a cheap cartoon to entertain 4 year old toddlers.. The jokes aren't that funny, Garfield acts WAY too savage, Nermal is evil, and it is literally NOTHING like the actual comics. You know, it could've actually been a good cartoon. But no, it had to be a bad CGI cartoon. If you have Netflix, you may see a second option called "Garfield and Friends". If you see that, watch that instead. It's WAY better. Oh, and don't bother doing "Garfield's Fun Fest" either. It's just a small movie for "The Garfield Show". So, in my opinion, this show gets a 3/10. I can't even explain how bad it is, but please, don't watch it.
Bored Ham I grew up reading the Garfield comic books. I used to watch Garfield and Friends on TV but I found this sh-- on Netflix and I decided to give it a shot. The animation is ugly as crap and looks like cheap plastic, especially for something that aired in 2008. Another thing, they copy other episodes that they did. There are 2 episodes where Jon wins the freakin lottery! And they actually "lose" it in both of the episodes. What else... Oh yeah! They even reuse the characters you see walking in the street! I usually see a guy in a green shirt with glasses and gray hair. You see him in a TV show playing his guitar. Then, you see him dating someone inside Vito's. Then, you see him in a game show and then you find him eating ice cream in a buffet not minding his own business which looks nothing like a f--king buffet. Oh yeah! The show is very cheap and probably costs $100 to make. The facial animation looks like sh--. Sometimes, you see the characters head go through a wall. The voice acting is poor.
TheCartoonfaxuator In this review I'm only talking about the facts. That should explain to you why it got a 6 instead of a 1 or a 2 compared to other reviewers. The Garfield Show isn't a good cartoon, but shouldn't be watched as a last resort if their is nothing good on the TV. The first thing that should be said about the show is that it has very well done graphics. These are what Garfield characters should look like in 3D animation. The characters act like how they should, and have pretty good voices. Thank goodness. There is only one true problem with the show. A majority of their episode have poor stories. 35% of their plots are good. The rest are mediocre. There is this one episode where Garfield saved the Earth from alien Lasagnas. Yeah that's some story. One thing the Garfield show does perfectly, is breaking the forth wall. Even though it's way over used, It's good to know that it's never done badly. The Garfield Show is a cartoon that could have done better. In the end it stayed decent.
timgneher If you've been witnessing the slow but sure descent of Jim Davis's classic comic strip into repetitive, agoraphobic oblivion with the same sickening disgust as I have, well then get ready for his new TV show. I'm sure you can't wait.You won't like this show just because you like Garfield, or used to like Garfield. Nostalgia can't win out this time. It doesn't stand a chance. There is no liking this show. It is not possible. It treats your love for its protagonist the same way Garfield treats talking scales, it stomps all over it and leaves it crushed and insulted.I grew up with Garfield. I learned to read by reading Garfield comic books. I was addicted to reruns of Garfield and Friends, the first and only Garfield show that deserves to exist. I was all set to give this show a chance. Heck, I even found the movies tolerable. This show is not.Try simply getting past how this show LOOKS. I go to an art school, I've seen Freshman animation projects that look as good. It's about on par with those cartoons people make. Jittery animation that looks like it's taking place in Balloon Land. Jimmy Neutron's show looked better 8 years ago.And if you do get past that somehow, then try picking out a single joke. I sat through three episodes, I saw about four moments in total that looked like you were even SUPPOSED to laugh. I'm not sure if the writers knew this was supposed to be a comedy. Slow paced and lethargic, wandering and pointless. Paying attention to it is a chore. Even the music is bad.Garfield sounds like he has a speech impediment. Jon looks like an insomniac or a drunk. Liz looks like Jon in drag. She's now his girlfriend, which you already know if you've abused yourself by reading the daily comics too. Figure that one out. It's like watching a new Peanuts show that takes place in college.In summery, it looks and plays like it cost a dime to make. The end product isn't worth that much. Hooray for another cheap cash-in via Jim Davis, I thank you, the world thanks you. You've successfully proved that Garfield means as much to you as political parties mean to Arlen Specter, he's nothing but your big fat hairy cash cow. I hope he continues making you lots and lots of money for a long time, just know that none of it will be mine.Do yourself a favor. Forget Garfield. Forget this show. Go read the older books and maybe rent a few seasons of the REAL Garfield show. You can just pretend he died of a massive coronary sometime in 2003.