The Gangster Chronicles

The Gangster Chronicles

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Chapter 1 Feb 12, 1981

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EP2 Chapter 2 Feb 12, 1981

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EP3 Chapter 3 Feb 12, 1981

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EP4 Chapter 4 Feb 21, 1981

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EP5 Chapter 5 Feb 28, 1981

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EP6 Chapter 6 Mar 07, 1981

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EP7 Chapter 7 Mar 14, 1981

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EP8 Chapter 8 Mar 21, 1981

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EP9 Chapter 9 Apr 17, 1981

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EP10 Chapter 10 Apr 24, 1981

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EP11 Chapter 11 May 01, 1981

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EP12 Chapter 12 May 02, 1981

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EP13 Chapter 13 May 08, 1981

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8.1| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 12 February 1981 Ended
Producted By: Universal Television
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The Gangster Chronicles is an NBC American television crime drama mini series starring Michael Nouri, Joe Penny, Jon Polito, Louis Giambalvo and narrated by E.G. Marshall.

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Universal Television

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Jay Sherman I own a VHS of the Gangster Chronicles from the mini series but I think I may be missing some episodes. I have about 5 hrs without commercials.I just bought the Gangster Wars on DVD but its condensed to about 2 hrs.The Godfather was great( at least 1 & 2) but The Gangster Chronicles is better in my opinion as they were real characters. I mean who really is Vito Corleone? Is it Luciano or Genovese or Anastasia?My father got me interested in Gangster movies when I was a young kid as my father was born and raised in Brownsville,NY. My Grandfather was even involved in a shootout with Murder Inc.I wish I could go back to the 20s and I would have ran sh*t
terri-102 I would like to see this mini-series again,(also I would like my boys to see this) I watched this round about 1981 possibly, it was when my children were small I used to get them into bed so I did not have any disturbance, phone would be left off the hook - it used to come on at 11.00 on a Monday night for 2 hours. I have seen a condensed version of the story but it does not have the characters in it who are in the mini-series. Me and my family loved this series we couldn't wait for the next Monday to come. I bought the Gangster Chronicles DVD on the ebay just before Christmas 2006 but its like a documentary thing not what I want, I wondered if there was anybody out there who has this series so i can watch it along with the rest of my family. This miniseries was great, you did not want to get up and make a cup of tea as I did not want to miss any of it. I like the Godfather but I preferred this because it showed you how they were when they were kids. thanks hopefully Terri.
starchile57 superbly written and acted. easy to follow and engaging. i am a fan of the godfather trilogy but i like this better!!!! the only miniseries that i stopped what i was doing or rushed home to watch. michael nouri and brian benben were outstanding. basically you are drawn to the charators.
Lloyd Rutzky Ranking with the great mini-series of all-time (ROOTS, ROOTS: THE NEXT GENERATIONS, HOLOCAUST, BLIND AMBITION, BACKSTAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE, and MASADA), this was a superb retelling of the history of organized crime in America. Pretty much based on fact, but also loaded with a few fabrications, it tells the story of how Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky basically invented "the mob" in the early thirties which exists to this very day. Meyer Lansky, however, was still alive in 1981 when this was made so his name was changed to Michael Lasker and he was excellently portrayed as an adult by Brian Benben. Charles "Lucky" Luciano, played as an adult with solid charm and confidence by Michael Nouri, has his major source of revenue, prostitution, falsely seen as something he'd never be involved with. But, hey, this was TV in the 80's and NBC must've wanted to avoid censorship. And since the show almost made Luciano look like a guy who only became a criminal because it was the smart thing to do, if they'd shown him cleaning up as a pimp it would've been too much. Perhaps the most dynamic performance of THE GANGSTER CHRONICLES, though, was by Joe Penny as the adult Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel. As Michael Lasker's boyhood friend he joins forces with Charlie and Michael as they drift from small-time hoods to underworld kingpins, though Bugsy was more of a muscleman than the mastermind who put the "organization" together. The first half of THE GANGSTER CHRONICLES features powerful narration by E.G. Marshall who ended every chapter by saying, just in case you thought these guys were heroes, that "Charlie Luciano, Michael Lasker and Ben Siegel were hardened criminals who lived by a cruelty that would someday destroy them." But the show is so entertaining you really will find it hard not to root for Charlie, Michael & Ben as they take on the real "bad guys" like Al Capone, Dutch Schultz and earlier, Joe The Boss Masseria and Salvatore Maranzano. The rest of the cast was terrific including Richard Castellano as Joe The Boss, Madeline Stowe as Michael's wife, Kathleen Lloyd as Ben's wife, Allan Arbus as Charlie's youthful friend and cleaning store operator Mr. Goodman, Robert Davi as Vito Genovese, Markie Post as Charlie's onetime girlfriend, Jonathan Banks as Dutch Schultz, Louis Giambalvo as Al Capone, Jon Polito as Tommy Lucchese, James Andronica as Frank Costello, and Alex Rocco as a hood who uses similar lines in a dispute with Luciano to the ones he used as Moe Greene in THE GODFATHER, the greatest movie of all-time, by far. Shot down by weak ratings and NBC's favoring of the even weaker-rated (at the time) of the fabulous HILL STREET BLUES, it was a shame the show ended with so much left to tell in 1932.