The Final Cut

The Final Cut

Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

EP1 Part 1 Nov 05, 1995

Approaching his 65th birthday, Prime Minister Frances Urquhart begins to see the end of his career. Not that he has the intention of resigning anytime soon. He does however hope to establish a legacy, one for the history books and one to provide his pension. For the latter, his wife Elizabeth introduces him to Mr. Nures, a Turkish-Cypriot businessman who will contribute handsomely to the Urquhart Trust if the upcoming boundary commission report provides a ruling favorable to Turkish-occupied Cyprus. As for the history books, he's decided to take credit for the upcoming peace deal in Cyprus, much to the consternation of the Foreign Secretary, Tom Makepeace. Still haunted by what happened to Mattie Storin, he is also haunted by events when he was in Cyprus as an army officer in the 1950s. An encounter on the motorway lands him in hospital.

EP2 Part 2 Nov 12, 1995

Having sacked his Parliamentary Private Secretary, Urquhart casts about for a replacement. At the suggestion of Geoffrey Booza Pitt he gives serious consideration to backbench MP Claire Carlsen, despite the fact that she is carrying on an affair with Foreign Secretary Tom Makepeace. Claire is clearly playing both sides of the fence to ensure her own place in the hierarchy, regardless of what the future may hold. Urquhart decides the time has come to shake things up and forces Makepeace to resign, something his wife Elizabeth isn't sure is in their best interest. He also continues working on his legacies, dropping a good word in the ear of the British judge on the Cyprus boundary panel. Meanwhile, a young Greek-Cypriot woman, Maria Passolides, seeks Urquhart's assistance in solving the death of two uncles who were killed in Cyprus in the 1950s.

EP3 Part 3 Nov 19, 1995

Having resigned as Foreign Secretary, Tom Makepeace launches a blistering attack in the House of Commons directed not only at the government in general but at the Prime Minister in particular. He then moves across the aisle to sit on the opposition benches. For his part, Francis Urquhart takes it all in stride quite sure of his position and his ability to retain the leadership of the party. As chance would have it, Cypriot nationalists attack the British High Commission in Cyprus and kidnap the High Commissioner thus allowing Urquhart to question the wisdom of Makepeace's constant challenges on the Cypriot peace deal. Makepeace for his part takes up the cause of identifying the killer of Maria Passolides' uncles.

EP4 Part 4 Nov 26, 1995

Not having secured enough votes on the first ballot to retain the party leadership, Francis Urquhart plots to not only keep him in place as Prime Minister but to win the next general election. He is desperate to surpass Margaret Thatcher's length of service as PM and decides that to emulate her is likely the best approach: starting a war in Cyprus, his own little Falklands, as he describes it to his wife. It all goes very badly however and the PM's hold on power begins to slip. Claire Coulsen learns that there is a cost to playing both sides in any contest. In the end, it's left to Elizabeth Urqhart to come up with a solution that will ensure the PM's legacy for all time.
8| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 05 November 1995 Ended
Producted By: BBC
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Urquhart aims to secure his legacy on the international stage, but faces threats both from abroad and closer to home.

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wiccan333 I have loved all of the episodes of The House of Cards Trilogies from the very first to The Final Cut. I absolutely abhor the American version of the show. I wish Hollywood would stop taking BBC ideas, paint them thickly with a stupidity brush to then show on our television screens and start making original ideas of their own.I am curious if any other fans of this original series has or know where one can get sound bites from the third series? In particular, there are two I am most interested in and I believe they are in the same scene. When Jeffrey Boozer-Pitt tells FU about his behavior with a woman who was married, FU makes the following statement, "Jeffrey, Jeffrey." The second sound bite is just a moment later when Jeffrey talks about his improper share dealing with same woman, FU says, You really are utterly contemptible, aren't you" he goes on, "No background, no bottom, absolutely no informing principal but the will to survive. Just a plump little bag of squirming appetites." Harsh,perhaps, but appropriate. If anyone knows where I can get those sound bites, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Spondonman The final part of the House Of Cards mini-series trilogy isn't as good as the previous two, but still fairly entertaining and worth a watch. The production was as sharp as its BBC budget would allow, the acting was believable even if the darker plot wasn't entirely.UK Prime Minister Francis Urquhart is clinging on to power by any means but he has various cracks (no pun intended with all the nudity on display in here) appearing amongst his colleagues and friends, and also his violent past in war torn Cyprus 50 years previously is gradually catching up with him. It's more improbable than what has gone before but slimy Ian Richardson as the biggest swinger in town carries all before him, I think he talks to us more than to the other characters! Judging by the amount of sex, swearing and violence in these episodes rather less discipline is on display but it's not too distracting. Why do people seem to think it's more realistic if the characters are coarse and swearing all the time while they're watching a procession of 2D images on a flat screen on the other side of the room? My favourite bit from any of the 12 episodes was in the last one, where FU deliciously tells Booza Pitt he didn't have to resign… The predictable ending had him managing to hang on in office longer than Margaret Thatcher, was sudden and was a slight let down, but the steam had all escaped by then anyway.Overall as a whole it's an excellent time-passer, with many engrossing sections, not too many dull stretches and although it tails off a bit I would still recommend all three series.
Matthew Kresal Having risen through the ranks of the United Kingdom's Conservative Party in House Of Cards and having consolidated power in To Play The King, Francis Urquhart (played once again by Ian Richardson) is on the verge of becoming the longest serving Prime Minister. Yet the pieces are slowly moving against him for last game of power politics. The stage is set for The Final Cut, the final miniseries in the House Of Cards trilogy.Like its two predecessors, the miniseries's success lies in its lead character Francis Urquhart as played by actor Ian Richardson. Urquhart, who has served as Prime Minister for approximately a decade, is making plans for his eventual retirement while seeking a fitting legacy. Yet the skeletons of the past aren't quite as quite as dead and buried as he might think though as things slowly come out to threaten his very political existence. Richardson continues to play Urquhart as a modern day (modern day being an alternate version of mid to late 1990's UK) version of Shakespeare's Richard III but there's a more human element in this last act as well. Here's a man whose played numerous power games and finds himself risking more and more in one final play for power and, in this case, a fine legacy as well. In a way this may well be Richardson's finest performance in the role of Urquhart.There's also another major player who deserves mention. Diane Fletcher, who had largely been on the sidelines in the two previous miniseries, gets her biggest role in the trilogy as Urquhart's wife Elizabeth and this is as much her series as it is Richardson. Her she is revealed to be just as cunning and manipulative as her husband as she helps to set up the Urquhart Trust and watches her husbands final power plays with increasing worry. Also of interest is Elizabeth's hinted at relationship with security man Corder which brings a new dimension to this series, especially in regards to the ending. All of this gives Fletcher a chance to show off her skills and makes The Final Cut as much hers and his.Which brings us to the supporting cast which is a bit mixed. On the plus side are Paul Freeman as Tom Makepeace, the Conservative party politician who grows increasingly wary of and eventually becomes the one who may finally be able to bring Urquhart down. There's also Isla Blair as Claire Carlsen who rises within Urquhart's ranks while being involved with one of the PM rival's. Last but not least is Nick Brimble as Corder who gets a large role in the proceedings and the aforementioned relationship with Urquahrt's wife as well. On the downside are Nickolas Grace who gives a sleazy and annoying performance as Geoffrey Booza Pitt and Joseph Long as the rather bumbling and ineffective Cyprus President. The supporting cast overall is a mixed bunch which dampens the success of The Final Cut somewhat.The production values hold up well for the most parts. Once again there's fine production design by Ken Ledsham who creates the worlds ranging from 10 Downing Street, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, and beyond though somehow there seems a very low budget feel to the scenes set in Cyprus. There's also the cinematography of Ian Punter which once again brings a fine sense of atmosphere to the world of the miniseries. Last but not least here is once again the music by Jim Parker, especially with the main title and end title pieces which serve as a perfect start and closing to the four episodes of the miniseries. Sadly what seems to be lacking is the direction of Mike Vardy who makes this final part seem to be both very sleazy (including unnecessary nudity especially considering the lack of it earlier in the trilogy) and snail paced throughout. The result is, like the supporting cast, something that dampens the success of this final part.Last but not least is the script. Once again Andrew Davies adapts Michael Dobbs (who is uncredited as the novel's author due to creative conflicts with the makers of the series) novel into a script which takes a look at a seasoned politician and his last grasps at power. Urquhart seems obsessed at times with the shadow of predecessor Margret Thatcher (who appears to have died just before the beginning of the series) and him staying as Prime Minister longer then she was and securing a fitting legacy to his tenure. Yet there are ghosts of the past that begin to haunt Urquhart more and more. Here we learn more of Urquhart's past including his army tenure in Cyprus and how it now threatens to bring him down. There's the machinations of those in his government as well including Makepeace who prepares to challenge him for power as well. Together the script offers us a look at the fall of one government, the effect of that on the man in charge of it and the rise of its successor. That's not the say that this is a perfect script though as there are some decidedly sleazy and improbable aspects to the story as well, including the rather unsatisfactory ending which seems a rather convoluted way to end the trilogy of miniseries's. Maybe those are the faults of the novel rather then the script but there is something not quite right with this final part of the House Of Cards trilogy.The Final Cut proves to be the last, if unsatisfactory, part of the House Of Cards trilogy. While there's fine performances from Richardson and Fletcher plus much of the supporting cast the issues with other members of the supporting cast, some low budget feels, direction and script issues weigh this part down significantly. The result is a good but overall unsatisfactory conclusion which seems rather a shame.
Clivecat I can't recommend this series highly enough! All the actors are first rate, the script literate and hilarious! BBC has done a first rate job and this is one of the best things I have seen in years! Ian Richardson is perfect in this role! He's probably sick of hearing about it by now, but he was really wonderful, as was everybody else. A first rate production in all ways!