The Edan Show Shorts

The Edan Show Shorts

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Talking to a Brick Wall Nov 23, 2022

This short is about Edan being stuck in the middle of the desert and talking to a brick wall and mentions if anyone has a bazooka because no one is around. He then starts messing around with sand and then he says "AH Q'WIVER, there's sand in my eye."

EP2 Canon Nov 28, 2022

This short is about Edan and Rocky making a cannon and accidentally destroying something. This causes someone to notice what they were doing and started beating them up because they destroyed something.

EP3 Storytime Jun 25, 2023

This short starts with Edan in 2092 looking old. He tells his grandkids if they want to hear a story, But they run away from him. Edan then shouts "Q'WIVER", which causes the kids to come back to him. One of them then asks "how did you come up with q'wiver?", Edan then says that it's a long story. Then we see a scene from 2029 where Edan and Rocky are in the foyer in Rocky's house, Edan asks Rocky if he should get some food, Rocky agrees and tells him that is starving. Edan then skateboards out of the house to Mindey's. Edan enters the restaurant and asks for chicken nuggets and fries. The cashier says that it costs $5.98. Edan opens his wallet to then find out that there is no money. Then He shouts "Q'WIVER" so loudly that it then shows the restaurant from above then the southern United States then the Earth.

EP4 Twister Aug 31, 2023

Edan, OWO and Rocky go tornado chasing in Homeland and Folkston.

EP5 Towers of Terror 1 Oct 29, 2023

Towers of Terror 1 is the first The Edan Show Halloween special

EP6 Kindergarten Feb 23, 2024

A new kid named Piggy joins class and Austin and Riley make fun of him and get in trouble.

EP7 Towers of Terror 2 Nov 02, 2024

Towers of Terror 2 is the second The Edan Show Halloween special
5.5| 0h30m| TV-PG| en| More Info
Released: 23 November 2022 In Production
Producted By: Edan Show Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

There are 7 main characters, the main one being Edan. The other main characters are Rocky, Dori, Ark, Austin, Luckii, and OWO, who is one of the other 46 different types of UWUs, and all of them, including the main characters, work for UWU incorporated in a fictional warehouse and office complex called the UWU Palace.

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Producted By

Edan Show Productions

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