The Dr. Oz Show

The Dr. Oz Show

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Should You Get a Vaccine Booster? Everything You Need to Know Sep 13, 2021

Answers to questions about COVID boosters: how they work, when they will become available, and who should get one; how Howie Mandel copes with his OCD and anxiety during COVID.

EP33 What Regimen Does Dr. Oz Have His Mother On In Her Battle Against Alzheimer's? Jan 03, 2022

Expert advice Dr. Oz learned to help slow down the disease his mother suffers from. And, changes you can make today to reduce your risk no matter what your genes say. Plus, shocking shark attacks and miraculous escapes caught on tape.
3.7| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 14 September 2009 Canceled
Producted By: Sony Pictures Television
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The Dr. Oz Show is an American syndicated television talk show, hosted by Mehmet Oz, a cardiothoracic surgeon and teaching professor at Columbia University who became famous for his appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show. The fifth season premiered on September 9, 2013.

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Mehmet Oz


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Sony Pictures Television

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Jazzie-too Reminds me of the Wild West "snake doctor". Always speaks so fast, words tumbling out of his mouth. I like high energy but this just feels weird. And the few times I've tuned in, he's always selling some "miracle" product. Just a sly fox. Once in a while you hear something that at least alerts your attention.
DKosty123 This show can encourage good health habits. The trouble is you have to sort out the bad advice from the good stuff and that is not easy to do. There are also the sensational guests who show up during sweeps who are there to boost ratings and offer nothing that is factual.Oprah Winfreys Harpo Productions has made her a Billionaire with this type of show. It is condescending beyond reality. One show will deal with a legitimate way to deal with a health issue. Another show will deal with another way to deal with the same issue that contradicts the other method.Yes, this is a reality show wrapped into bubble gum and then blown out at people. Dr. Oz name is used in a lot of internet scams too. Then again, there are shows where it is obvious something is being pushed by a sponsor for their gain, and not the audience well-being.There can be value to this as it illustrates plainly how well fake news can be wrapped in with real news and sea food until the fish spoils because it got left in the hot lights. Then the next show puts the spoiled seafood back on ice and ex tolls it's benefits.Then during the sweeps someone like OJ shows up to tell us why he did or didn't do it. Then again, there are shows about health and OJ (the real juice) too. Maybe the North Korea guy will show up during the next sweeps and explain his contribution to climate change?
FlameYo Yo This is a great way to enhance your health with supplemental material from the and your doctor visits.For your next doctor, keep a medical log with bpm,temp.,pulse, pain scale, Q&A. A vaccine schedule is a must. The ShareCare App is good to have also. holistic program addresses disease prevention, best practices, toxic product, fitness, women's health, and in more modern medicine.The 30 minute format is broken into a demo segment with small interview with guest and medical professional. And ending a fitness or wellness segment.Oz Sharecare iOS(2013)/Android(Coming 2014) App is useful for doctor visits and worth a try.The show promote active precipitation in your health, a lot of vitamin supplements, vegetables, and trendy products/diets. I like the fact these more natural products and produce lessen the use of Rx drugs that may have hidden side effects. Drugs companies that make Ambien ,Liptor, and etc aren't always honest about submitting side effect data to the FDA.Other reviewers had stated this show has too simple demo and gears toward the "makeup" crowd,but the daytime demographic is gears towards health conscious women and medical office background play.In the last 5 season, this has been a reliable medical source addressing toxins (in apple juice, potatoes, milk, sofas), excessive radiation, sweeteners/dyes.Use the Dr.Oz Show and Oz Website as a starter not a sole source of health data. Older episode can viewed at Oz Website since you won't get much from watch a few episodes.
leader-7 The program is geared toward people with absolutely no attention span and offers little useful information. Mostly sensational in its format, the presentations are geared toward selling a nutrient, micro nutrient, or "procedure" being marketed by the guests. Medically and scientifically, the show has huge gaps. The games he used to have at the end, "Jeopardy-like" were abandoned this season -- and good riddance. They made a mockery of both the contestants and the issues being addressed -- the games were supposed to be substantive, to teach the viewer something. They always fell short.A final observation: there is rarely any follow up with the guests who've had to lose considerable weight, or whom he's challenged to make major changes in lifestyle. Why? Doesn't he/producers believe in what they're doing? Let's see these successes (or not) and work harder to help them, rather than just making 'examples' out of them on TV.