The Dark: Forever Winter

The Dark: Forever Winter

Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

EP1 The Captive Dec 30, 2022

As The Dark's suffocating energy continues to wreak havoc on the Earth, pushing those faithful to God to seek safe haven wherever a gentle light may still be found, Lizzy, who has been surviving on her own, is abducted, for what purpose or intent is unclear. And she is not the only one.

EP2 The Plan Dec 31, 2022

It turns out that Tommy has an accomplice in carrying out his abductions, as well as one who helps keep the children mollified in the basement. The question is, is Tommy's dark haven really what it seems? Lizzy, forever one to keep sharp wits, is always on the lookout for a way to escape.

EP3 The Price Jan 01, 2023

As Tommy and Lizzy proceed to execute the initial stages of their plan, professional hunters that continue to insatiably scour the land at the The Dark's behest discover Tommy's haven. And, as Adrienne continues to search for her daughters, she is forced to confront The Dark once again.
5.6| 0h30m| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 30 December 2022 Ended
Producted By: Rossetti Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

As the Forever Winter commences, surviving alone in the wilderness is 15 year old Lizzy, hardened by her experiences in a world that is quickly going to hell. One night, Lizzy is abducted and trapped in the basement of a large building with no apparent escape. She is shocked to discover that she is not her abductor's first victim, as she awakens surrounded by other children who, like her, had also been taken. Not one of the young prisoners understands their abductor's purpose, nor the plans he has for them.

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Producted By

Rossetti Productions

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