The Buzz On Maggie is a refreshing return to cartoons that has been missing for a while. It's funny for children, but has references and nuances that adults will catch - just like Bugs Bunny did! It seems to me that the cast and crew went into this with the idea that they only got one shot (or one season) so let's just go way out full blast - and IT WORKS! Children need more cartoons of a lighter fare! ADULTS DO TOO! Maggie's high jinx are akin to Cartman from South Park, but with less edge. She also puts me in the mind of Disney's "Pepper Ann", which was yet another wonderful cartoon geared more towards teens. I really hope that in the near future Disney puts some of their cartoons on DVD. I would buy them and I'm nearly 40 years old. I want to keep a youngness to myself and they are a WONDERFUL break from real life without violence and sexual innuendo!
So a few years back, Disney Channel was doing pretty good. It featured a menagerie of shows that were popular with the younger crowd, tweens, teens, and even adults. Among these shows was the mega hit, Kim Possible, which rightfully gained a huge fan based, tons of merchandise (Still got my Rufus doll! ;)), and brought in the moolah for the monkeys in suits that run Disney.So what was the only thing to do? Why, cancel Kim Possible and replace her with Lizzie Maguire in a fly suit! It made perfect sense! If you're a Disney Exec with the brains of an apple snail, that is.Needless to say, fans were flabbergasted. "THIS?" They cried. "You ****heads cancel Kim Possible and THIS is what you give us in turn?" OK, I was the one who said it, but the feeling was pretty much the same throughout the KP fan base.'The Buzz on the Maggie' was pretty much doomed. What could have been a cute concept was undermined by lousy characterization, irritating voices, unoriginal plots and a resentment toward it for replacing Kim.The end of the story is well known: Head Monkey Eisner got the boot and so did 'The Buzz on Maggie.' The sixty-five episode rule that Eisner instated was tossed and Kim was picked up for another season. The Little Fly with the bug eyes and the purple hair was quickly forgotten as we crowded around our sets and waited for Kim to return.Flies live for a week, so they say. Maggie got two seasons. She should consider herself lucky.
I'd have to say that this is one of the finer examples of computer 2D animation ('flash') iv'e seen. It certainly outranks 'Being Ian'. The plot concerns a young female fly and her best friend Rayna in the tip site city of Stickyfeet. Maggie and Rayna attend the Buzzdale Academy school where much of the action happens. The show is a good example of flash animation, using the slick glossy style as a benefit rather than just making it appear cheap. It is drawn nicely and has a distinct feel. The humour is quite good too, when compared with the usual flash stuff. Hopefully other companies will see this as a shining example of how computer animation should go, rather than churning out a constant supply of shorts. The characters themselves are, being insects, generally quite human except when using a gag related to their insect nature. This doesn't really ruin it (who actually expects realism in a cartoon anyway?) and there are some good parts where this insect nature is referred to with genuine humour. (like maggie's baby pic of her as a maggot) All in all a good show, and deserves more episodes.
EWWW! This has to be the worst show ever created! Its definitely up there with "naturally Sadie" "american dragon" and can we ever forget the wretched "dave the barbarian" I mean sure I believe not to "yuck someones yum" but I'm just being honest! If Disney would put the older, better shows on its channel, I would watch it so much more than i do now! I mean come on! you take off good quality shows like "smart guy" for "the buzz on Maggie" ? how low can you sink! They could at least make a second channel with all the better older shows on it. And same with nickelodeon! Before the cruddy shows they have on now, they both used to be channels worth watching! Whenever I come across a "zoey 101" or a "naturally Sadie" episode, I change it to the worst channel I can think of, because anything on there is 5 times better than those crap shows! Srry to all those who like the shows i just put down, but I'm just being honest. I like the old shows and thats that.