The Biggest Loser


Seasons & Episodes

  • 18
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EP1 Time for Change Jan 28, 2020

Twelve people who want to get healthy and transform their lives arrive at The Biggest Loser Campus.

EP2 A Big Loss Feb 04, 2020

A loss by one team causes emotions to run high as the contestants push harder to meet their goals.

EP3 Supporting the Team Feb 11, 2020

Two contestants overcome their insecurities and emerge as leaders during this week's challenge.

EP4 Messages from Home Feb 18, 2020

All the remaining contestants finally get to reconnect with friends and family.

EP5 Diving In Feb 25, 2020

The contestants take a dive into fitness as friendships grow stronger.

EP6 Overcoming Obstacles Feb 27, 2020

One contestant faces an unexpected obstacle, forcing their team to come together in new ways.

EP7 Going Solo Mar 10, 2020

It’s every person for themselves as the contestants no longer compete in teams.

EP8 Boosting Morale Mar 17, 2020

The contestants get the encouragement they need to keep moving forward on their journey.

EP9 Final Four Mar 24, 2020

The final four contestants revisit a fitness milestone to see how much progress they have made.

EP10 Finale Mar 31, 2020

5.4| 0h30m| TV-PG| en| More Info
Released: 19 October 2004 Ended
Producted By: 25/7 Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

The Biggest Loser features obese people competing to win a cash prize by losing the highest percentage of weight relative to their initial weight.

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25/7 Productions


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ShelbyTMItchell Sure the people want to lose weight. And live healthier lifestyles. But also it is about winning the prize money. Hence the title of the "Biggest Loser" in losing the weight.As they arrive on the ranch over in CA. As they have to face a lot. Like not to eat unhealthy foods and workout at the gym and also take outside the gym. To running among other things. As well as pulling stuff like a car.The trainers Jillian, Bob, and Dolvett want to see the people strive and it is not just physical. But mental and emotional. Due to the fact that they give them tough love. And not cut them slack.But in the end, it will pay off as they take it home to their families. Jillian always seems to win despite being over the top at times. But that's because she and the others care.
dwissba When all we have anymore is pretty much reality TV shows with people making fools of themselves for whatever reason be it too fat or can't sing or cook worth a damn than I know Hollywood has run out of original ideas. I can not recall a time when anything original or intelligent came out on TV in the last 15 years. What is our obsession with watching bums make fools of themselves? I would have thought these types of programs would have run full circle but every year they come up with something new that is more strange then the one before. OK so people in this one need to lose weight...most Americans need to lose weight. I just think we all to some degree enjoy watching people humiliated. Maybe it makes us feel better when we see someone else looking like a jerk. I don't know but I just wish something intelligent would come out that did not insult your intelligence.
bphillips1983 OK. Heres the thing...A handful of people in the whole American population says this isn't a healthy way to lose weight. OK. I'm sorry but I always assumed that diet and exercise was healthier than drugs that can overall give you a stroke or heart attack or surgery that can leave you in a vegetative state and brain dead or kill you on the spot. Maybe thats just me though. These few people claim that it is only short term and can come back even faster but what about the contestants from season 1? TWO YEARS AGO. NONE of them have flabby skin and none of them gained the weight back. This show is not about losing weight. Its about CHANGING YOUR LIFE AND LOSING WEIGHT AND KEEPING IT OFF, which everyone has done successfully. This show is so motivational and inspired me to get up and hit the gym (I have lost 35 pounds from Jan 1st-Jan 27). This is a great show to watch even as a family as opposed to all the other shows that SCREAM sex, drugs, bad language, violence, and murder is whats in.
Innuendo88 What has reality TV come to these days with shows from Real World to Apprentice picking stereotyped characters to appear on them week after week and season after season. The Biggest Loser, however, is a different make-up entirely, featuring normal yet overweight contestants to compete to see who can lose the most weight and be...THE BIGGEST LOSER.Two teams train and face-off each week in different challenges. Some of the challenges focus around their improvement, such as seeing how far one can ride an exercise bike for a set number of hours. Other challenges focus on the contestants' weaknesses, such as having them build a tall tower out of sugary food. It sounds cheesy, but it's fun to watch as the two teams try their best each week in the competitions. Host Caroline Rhea and trainers Bill and Jillian also provide a nice distraction from the contest and contestants. Caroline even has exciting lines such as "It's time to...CUT THE FAT!" Where do these writers come from...?After the competition (and watching the winning team with their prize), we then have the weigh-off where each team member sees how much weight they have lost that week. Sometimes inspirational, other times boring, the weigh-in is one of the best moments of reality TV for me. Each week I get to watch as each team member works to try and lose weight and the real payoff comes in these moments. Afterwards, the team that loses the least weight has to vote a team member off, Survivor style. It can be somewhat cheezily intense.Sometimes the game seems a little appears that every week, whoever wins the challenge for that week gets some cushy prize. The team that loses the challenge stays home and gets extra workout time. Does this seem like cheating to anyone else? It always seems to be that the team that wins the challenge loses the weigh-in. Hopefully if this show sees a second season (which I hope), this problem will be addressed.While some have complained that the show should focus more on maintaining a low weight instead of just shedding the pounds, the fine print at the end of each episode says that they trainers and show mentors DO address this! As well, each contestant, as least as far as I can tell, is dangerously overweight and needed to shed that many pounds, so I don't know where some reviewers on here get off saying that the contestants should be focusing less on rapid weight loss. Rapid weight loss is dangerous for people of AVERAGE body weight. As well, each contestant has been medically consulted.Lastly, it is important to note that the show is also inspirational in many aspects. It shows that people who are overweight can still achieve things they would not have normally thought were possible. Each and every contestant has stated this, and I feel it is important to reinforce on here. The Biggest Loser shows how much can be achieved in diet, exercise, and self-image, which is important to an overweight America. I highly suggest tuning in!