The Addams Family


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8| 0h30m| TV-G| en| More Info
Released: 18 September 1964 Ended
Producted By: Filmways Television
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A satirical inversion of the ideal of the perfect American nuclear family, they are an eccentric wealthy family who delight in everything grotesque and macabre, and are never really aware that people find them bizarre or frightening. In fact, they themselves are often terrified by "normal" people.

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beatlepat Just some comments, rather than a review. One thing that made me cringe was when Morticia would sing in "Japanese". I'm kind of surprised that she didn't pull her eyes into a slant while she sang. Different times, I guess. Edwardian children would have been raised by a nanny and only seen after dinner, just before they were put to bed. But being a modern, post war nuclear family would meanthat kids figured more prominently in day to day life. I'm still trying to recreate their decore in my home, on a limited budget. A jackalope, stuffed armadillo, a small shark in formaldehyde, and other such geegaws are my tribute to the Addams.
DKosty123 The Addams Family, based on the cartoons of Charles Addams, took itself more seriously than the Munsters. It was more youth oriented too.John Astin and Carolyn Jones were only 34 when they started this show. That was years younger than Mr. & Mrs. Munster. It shows on this series. The shows got better as they went along. Surprisingly the Lurch, was younger too. This show has more imagination than the Munsters, but creates a totally different, cartoon type of feeling. The cast did not have have quite the track record as the Munster's but their energy gave it a different feel. As a twin to the other by accident, this on has it's points, especially pointed out by the Thing.
tracyfigueira Audiences have always been divided between the Munsters and the Addams Family. Certainly it was easier to sympathize with the Munsters, who underneath their grotesque appearance were basically a sympathetic blue-collar family while the Addamses were wealthy eccentrics whose lifestyle was like something out of a Bunuel movie. Still, the Addamses had their good points. They were a close knit family with strong values; like the Munsters they were actually quite traditional underneath their macabre appearance. Gomez (John Astin) was an educated, cultivated businessman and entrepreneur who provided his family with an enviable lifestyle but who was always kind and generous to those less fortunate than himself. Morticia (Carolyn Jones) was a Gothic beauty who could have been painted by Goya (it's no surprise the Addamses were Spanish). Uncle Fester (Jackie Coogan) was hilarious, but the character I identified with the most was eternally grumpy butler Lurch (Ted Cassidy, a fellow Texan). While I liked "The Munsters" better, I will always have a soft spot for "The Addams Family."
samcracc Carolyn Jones as Morticia Frump Addams was beautiful. Ted Cassidy as Lurch is interesting. John Astin as Gomez Addams was Hilarius. Jackie Coogan as Uncle Fester Frump is funny. Ken Weatherwax as Pugsley Adams and Lisa Loring as Wednesday Friday Adams where cute. Marie Blake as Grandma Adams was very good. The Thing is cool. The lion is interesting. The Adams Family had a great location for the Mansion in Hollywood, Los Angles California. This story is 7 characters of The Adams Family, a Lion, and Thing a hand that comes out of the box. This show is excellent you will like this show, the Characters and the Adams Family Mansion.