The '60s

The '60s

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EP1 Part One Feb 07, 1999

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EP2 Part Two Feb 08, 1999

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6.9| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 07 February 1999 Ended
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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National issues and events profoundly affect two families, one white and one black, in 1960s America.

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jamesdean01 I watched it when NBC showed it, then when it came onto video I bought it. I think it shows the 60s pretty accurately. The other reviewer must have been a child during the 60s. A lot of young people during this time went threw the same things the charters did. I now show it to all my history classes when we study the 60s!
mcpong214 I tried to watch this series, but I found it to be the sappiest retelling of the 60s that I have yet to see.It was complete tripe -- utterly cliched -- below sea level, shallow.I cannot believe that there were so many people who could sit through it to even write anything about it, but I guess I am not surprised. If you were there, you could not have watched this.Could have been great, but did not even make it to mediocrity.Don't waste your time.
erwan_ticheler The 60's is a great movie(I saw it completely in one night) about the hippy movement in the late 60's. Although the title would suggest otherwise the first 5 years of the 60's are not really important in this film.The main character of the movie is Michael,a political activist who goes on the road in the US against the Vietnam-war. There he meets his girlfriend,Sarah.Michael's brother,Brian,goes to Vietnam to fight(what a surprise!).He comes back from the war and changes in a "Tom Cruise Born on the fourth of July" look a like and then into a Hippy.His dad is a pro-vietnam war type of guy(what a surprise!!).Michael's sister Kate gets pregnant from a Rock & Roll artist and runs away from home and goes to San Francisco during the summer of love. The ending is very poor(father becomes a liberal and everybody is happy),but I let this slip away from my vote(the rest of the movie is very good!). The performances by the actors are pretty good and the soundtrack of the movie is absolutely brilliant. All the main events of the sixties are in the movie,like the murders on JFK and Martin Luther King aswell as the big hippy protests,the summer of love and Woodstock! Look closely for Wavy"Woodstock Speaker"Gravy(What we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400.000!) as a first aid employee at the Woodstock festival!In the end,the 60's is a beautiful movie about a beautiful decade! 10/10
The Non-Hip I caught this movie on TV last night, I don't usually enjoy this particular kind of movie, but I was bored so I figured I'd sit through it.Now I've seen other comments on how the movie doesn't show the era correctly, that it's not historically correct, and since I wasn't alive yet during the 60s, and my European education didn't touch the subject of american history much, I can't comment on that.However, when you get past the idea of this movie having to be a historical document of the 60s, and see that it's actually just simply a story, not a history lesson, about a group of people during this period of time, you'll see that this story is actually quite enjoyable.I expected a mediocre history movie, I got a great movie about love, principles and family. It made my evening.