Somebody PLEASE tell Jennifer Beals to stop using the creaky voice! It's the most incredibly annoying vocal affectation ever. In linguistics, creaky voice (sometimes called laryngealisation, pulse phonation, vocal fry, or glottal fry) is a special kind of phonation in which the arytenoid cartilages in the larynx are drawn together; as a result, the vocal folds are compressed rather tightly, becoming relatively slack and compact. Stop it already!
IMO, season one was pretty darn good! I liked it, heck, I loved it! It had everything, a team with different skills that they each used to get the job done. Critics didn't love it and there almost wasn't a Season 2. So, the writers remodeled the show. Now, instead of a team, there is essentially one super human and 3 people that support him. There is no love interest, no human side, it's just an unrealistic dump. Very disappointed, at least I could follow, be drawn in, and root for the good guys in season 1, now I just watch random dribble!