Leo Taylor
When I first saw the ads to this one, I was overly excited. Then, I realized my sound button wasn't on. The announcer lost me when he called 1991 a "90s" year. The 90s were broken up into different parts really. You had the early 90s (most like the 80s) which lasted from 1989/1990 to 1993. Most people of that time think of 1990-1993 as "the late 80's". The mid 90s were the true 90s years (1993-1996). 1996 onward was much closer to the 2000s with its plasticized pop stars, digital toys, and dramedies. With Surviving Jack, they completely missed that and gave you a hackneyed description of the 1990s. The costume designer understood how the early 90s were an extension to 1989. Unfortunately, there was no neon, high top fades, or oversized clothing to be found anywhere. Was it set in late '91? The theme by Social Distortion is very misleading for this show. I guess Fox thought they had another "Malcolm in the Middle" on their hands. Jack was supposed to be the ultimate asshole, right? It didn't appear that way for the most part. Tyler Foden's character wasn't needed for this show. Did the costume designer have to dress him in stereotypical 90s clothing? He looked as if he were on his way to a 90s theme party. This was supposed to be set in 1991, not 1994. Mikey sported the No Fear shirt wayyy too early. Guys at my school wore them in late '92 and well into the mid 1990's. My point is that they just threw anything together to give you the idea that it was the 90s, including the Social Distortion opening. I wanted to like it because they got somethings right too. The Arachnophobia, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Super Mario Bros. 3, American Gladiators mention and Carson/Seinfeld showings were right on the money. For some episodes, the feeling of the early 90s was well in tact. I'm looking at you, Pilot. During other times, I thought I was watching "Party of Five" (I hate that program) or some other mid 90's dreck. The lead reminded me of that ham from the movie "Airborne". I'll just stick with "The Wonder Years", that show got the period piece right. I do long for the day when another young gun who's coming up watches "Home Improvement" while clenching his Super Soaker 100 and wearing a pair of British Knights or Reebok Pumps. Hey, a boy can dream it's February in 1992.
Doug Hardesty
Finally a new TV show that combines various facets of old fashion simple humor we all wished we were that open about in family situations with current bold humor on things parents deal with everyday when raising children.Its been a long time since I've enjoyed a show and actually laughed throughout the entire episode. Most shows today are either about zombies, crime, vampires or drama. I am a fan of TV shows that make you laugh and relax, not the types that make you tense and tired.The actor that plays Jack is great, he has always played serious roles and this new father role is perfect for him. Great show.
Christopher Meloni crushed it. This was way funnier than I expected it to be. The hilarious one liners and 90's references had me laughing throughout the entire show. I find that the description of this show hits the nail on the head, and paints a funny picture of how adults and kids dealt with the growing pains of life. Classic parent/child interaction about every day life before access to all information was just a click away. Just from seeing the first episode, I hope this show is successful. At the end of the pilot, I had a smile on my face because I was reminded of the simplicity of how things used to be. Today, If a parent would put a box of condoms in their kids bag and it fell out; you better believe that it would be all over the five o' clock news! All in all, I give it two thumbs up. I think the supporting cast could be better, but they still do a very good job.
I just got through watching the Pilot episode and I must say WAY better than I thought it was going to be. I loved it. I liked it. I want some more of it. Totally got cheesy right there, but oh well. It was funny and totally not played out like most shows now-a-days. A good comedy show that has the camera angles you like, the dialogue you can laugh at and the entire feel of the show is just way better than what you thought it was going to be. I really hope this show last. I am scared this show might not last because of viewers but I promise that if you at least give this show one episode you won't regret it in the least bit, it's that show that reminds you of the older days of your youth while at the same time keeping a good comedy feel of modern age.