Superman: The Animated Series


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8.1| 0h30m| TV-PG| en| More Info
Released: 06 September 1996 Ended
Producted By: DC
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Superman, an incredibly powerful alien from the planet Krypton, defends Metropolis from supercriminals. Superman hides his identity behind the glasses of Clark Kent; a mild-mannered reporter for the newspaper the Daily Planet. At the Daily Planet Superman works with fellow reporter Lois Lane and photographer Jimmy Olsen.

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johnnymacbest Wow, who would've thought that with the creative team of Batman:TAS a show this good could be produced? From the pilot episode to further adventures of the Man of Steel, Superman:TAS is another gem of the golden age of superhero cartoons(and that's counting the X-Men and Spider-Man cartoons as well as Iron Man and Fantastic Four). I've always wondered why the same team behind these properties never attempted to make a Wonder Woman animated series? After all, she is the most famous female superhero in the world so why not a shot at the small screen in animated form? Like the Batman series, the character driven stories are great with awesome writing and truly spectacular action scenes that sometimes share the spotlight with other well-known stars of the DC Comics spectrum. The Superman movies were great and all, but the animated series made me more and more infatuated with Superman. Superman: TAS is one of the best animated properties to come out of DC Comics. Bruce Timm and Paul Dini have done wonders for both characters. C'mon guys, bring on Wonder Woman. I would be proud.
jfernandoga First, it's not great as batman or spider man, the only good thing is the action with villains as darkseid, brianiac, etc. this action is something that I would like to see in movies. The thing that I hate in this show is super girl, she looks like a prostitute and I don't understand why they ruin the series like that, and I HATE this Supergirl because she ruined the series of the new adventures of batman, and the series are not the same as BTA, that's the reason that I prefer the series of spider man or iron man, because in spider man when you have seen a spider boy or spider girl? or in iron man a iron girl? nowhere. That's the reason that spider man is better than this, and he is in the first place of my favorite superheroes. But I insist the series of superman would have been better without super girl, I think she is worst character that I have seen. That's the reason that I put the series 6 of 10.
ash_shelton superman the animated series is possibly the best we have seen of superman in animation the characters are very well presented.The writers have actually took the time to show us who superman is where he came from and how he came to terms with his powers and becoming the man of steel.The cast of voices are very well done i.e Tim daily aka superman and Clancy brown aka lex Luther.batman even makes a guest appearance in a brilliant episode and you see some classic villains i.e metallo,dark side,the joker.batman the animated series was amazing superman isn't as well written or dark but they are totally different.The action is Briilant and as young kid it made me smile to see superman soaring in the air
Jackson Booth-Millard When I was younger I used to watch this occasionally because it was the same good animation as Batman: The Animated Series, and it was one of the most famous super heroes in a cartoon. It began with baby Clark Kent dropped from the sky to a farm. It was sent by his parents from a distant planet. When Clark grows up on his farm as a teenager he learns of his super powers, he is obviously overjoyed to learn that he could fly. Then we skipped to many years later when he is an adult and flying with his red and blue costume to rescue people. We also meet the hateful and sometimes annoying Lex Luthor who secretly schemes to try and get rid of his enemy. Superman had some good enemies besides Lex, the Toyman, a purple guy who could suck powers out of Superman and many more. The kids will like this!