Suburban Secrets is a 2007 American non-fiction television series created by truTV. It is produced by Sirens Media. The show is described as being a cross between City Confidential and Desperate Housewives. Some cities that the show has documented: ⁕Pleasant Garden, North Carolina ⁕Grapevine, Texas ⁕Aliquippa, Pennsylvania ⁕Little Compton, Rhode Island ⁕Marion, Virginia ⁕Red Bluff, California ⁕Bridgton, Maine ⁕Olathe, Kansas Notable cases documented: ⁕Sarah Marie Johnson ⁕Christopher McCowen ⁕Hope Schreiner ⁕Rachelle Waterman ⁕Diane King ⁕Mark Mangelsdorf and Melinda Harmon Raisch
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