Stroker and Hoop


Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

7.3| 0h30m| TV-MA| en| More Info
Released: 01 August 2004 Ended
Producted By: Williams Street
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Stroker and Hoop is an American Flash animated television series on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. The series is a parody of buddy cop films and television series such as Starsky & Hutch, and features the voices of Jon Glaser as Stroker and Timothy "Speed" Levitch as Hoop. This might also be a parody of the two Burt Reynolds characters: "Stroker Ace" and "Hooper". Stroker and Hoop premiered on August 1, 2004, and ended on December 25, 2005, with 13 episodes. Adult Swim continues to air reruns of Stroker and Hoop on an infrequent basis.

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westplainsmom Just a great cartoon with some lovable characters (and some HOT looking ones too!). A couple of detective getting into more trouble while trying their best NOT to get into too much trouble. The stories seem original and definitely hold your attention. Just think of Starsky and Hutch as detectives instead of cops, give them an attitude, add an orange car somewhat like KITT in Knight Rider, and inject that with some very crazy stories, you have Stroker and Hoop. I am not sure why it was not renewed. With the Simpsons going on the 28th season (yawn), it is time we get some new material. F is for FAMILY is a great start! But I do wish they would start up King of the Hill again. But I give this show an easy 10.
pistoleer Stroker and Hoop is, at first glance, yet another parody of the once-popular 'buddy cop' genre, which pits two disparate personalities against each other in serious situations, to provide either comic or dramatic results. As if you didn't know what a buddy cop film was. However, Stroker and Hoop goes beyond that, mixing a clever use of pop culture references, satire, and dark humor with a unique, independent animation design, professional-rate voice acting, and wit that stands independent of pop culture and satire. Stroker and Hoop's episodic quality contains some discontinuity, though not to an annoying degree -- such as in Family Guy. With a coherent plot and creative dialog, Stroker and Hoop provided viewers of adult swim's adult animation bloc with a clever, amusing, fresh series that would have been a much better choice to continue with. Characters such as 'Coroner Rick' and 'Double Wide' provide usually-competent assistance to the two bumbling, titular protagonists. Though giving a terrible face to the two, self-styled private detectives, they have redeeming qualities that round out their characters. The use of gore slapstick is not overdone, and often seems reminiscent of over-hyped action movies from the '80s. Dark humor rounds out a silly premise, with Coroner Rick often providing insensitive, yet witty, comments at the worst of situations. And let's not forget C.A.R.R., another example of pop culture parody, who is yet another character who goes deeper than his counterpart (K.I.T.T.) Though often generally unlikeable, all the characters who appear as static persons are sympathetic in some manner. It's a shame it was canceled.
verbusen It looks like I missed the boat on this one but at least I'm happy to finally start catching Stroker and Hoop in repeats. Adult Swim is saturated with some very funny shows but the premise is all a rerun of taking semi wholesome kids cartoons from Hanna Barbera and totally thrashing them. I go along with the gags just fine but I question how they expect teens and young 20 somethings to really get most of the material since it was before their time. This show (I've only seen one episode, shame on me, DVR'ing them from now on), along with Metalpacolypse, Gorgon (which I pray is picked up the pilot was AWESOME), and Robot Chicken, are my favorites of the non trash the old Hanna Barberra stuff I've seen. So definite thumbs up for this series, I laughed out loud more times than any other show I've seen on Adult Swim and I really like many of them so it's a #1 in my book! Shows that suck and need to go away (but wont because Turner paid for them and needs to fill airspace) Moral Oral, 12 OZ Mouse, Tom Goes To The Mayor, but just about any OTHER shows that are on that Adult Swim is doing (not the Family Guy and Futurama reruns) are really good, so good I can say its the ONLY TV I'm watching when it's a premiere.Update: Wow 7 years have gone by since I wrote that pretty non informed review, and I'm still overseas and still interested in Stoker and Hoop. Yes I now realize that this was not an Adult Swim production originally. Too bad they didn't make new episodes but Bush was President so I guess it wasn't political enough against right wingers for Ted Turner to renew. Honestly, can you imagine the work atmosphere at those studios that do the adult swim shows? This was the second best half season long comedy ever made (Police Squad! (In Color) was the best by far). If you google search it you may be lucky to see it posted online and since there are only 13 episodes I'm watching them all on my weekend off now, still great material. I guess it didn't get renewed because it's demo viewing audience of over 25 year old men was to old and small although the same could be said for that FX raunchy spy cartoon Archer that is still on after 5 seasons. Maybe I'll give Archer another try as it's kind of in the same humor field. I liked S&H so much I looked up what one of the voice actors is doing now, the voice of Hoop. He has a reality TV show on Hulu about him being a street guide in San Francisco, sounds like he has found a niche and I wish him luck. I should see what the actor who did Stroker is up to now might be good, or at least interesting. Peace out Stroker and Hoop, the second best half season comedy ever.
frakmomma04 This show is very funny!! I make every effort to watch it because it is so hilarious! Great show to watch and unwind. I really like Hoop because he's like the lovable sidekick that is loyal to his friends. Stroker is awesome because of his outgoing attitude and his perception of women. I like all the characters of the show because they bring some new elements to each other and it really is a good combination. I wish it would come on more often but I guess I can settle for the times that it comes on now. But when it does come out on DVD you better believe me that I will definitely run out and buy it. It is truly worth owning because it is just that funny.