"Strangers With Candy" is the clever show from the comedy team of "Exit 57." Jeri Blank is 46 and just got out of prison. She decides to start her life over, and that means entering high school as a freshman. As she starts her life over, she learns life's important lessons, all the wrong way. The show is hilarious in all respects. The show follows the old formula of each episode dealing with one situation of a teenager's life and how they learn from it. However, things are warped in this show's universe. I tell you, laughing will never stop. The show is filled with one liners, characters are hilariously funny, situations are turned upside down, and each end credits segment has a unique dance sequence! Pick up the Series DVD today!
Tommy Nelson
stars: Amy Sedaris as Jerri Blank, Stephen Colbert as Mr. Chuck Nobblets, Paul Dinello as Mr. Goffrey Jellynacks, Gregory Holliman as Principal Onix Blackman.Reccurring stars-Orlando Pintaban as Orlando, Maria Thayer as Tamilla.Hilarious! This show is basically a spoof of teen shows and of soap operas. The main character is Jerri Blank, a 46 year old high school drop out who became a prostitute and a drug addict, now back in high school. Her teachers are the most hilarious thing on the show. Stephen Colbert is totally hilarious trying to act serious all the time with such silly material. Gregory Holliman and Paul Dinello are also pretty good. One of the subplot stories in several episodes is that Mr. Jellynack and Mr. Nobblets (Nobblets is married and has kids) are homos and having a love affair. All the kid performers are great too. Maria Thayer plays Jerri's red-headed friend and is totally beautiful in every episode shes featured in. Great show! TV-14. 30 episodes.
Hugh G. Rection (ElKabong-3)
I can't believe that there are people who actually think this dog turd is funny. I watched my first episode and remember thinking it must have been their worse one ever and gave it another chance, figuring it had to improve. It didn't. Now comes Comedy Central, polluting the airwaves once again with a butt-ugly 46 year-old high school freshman. Look, nobody who survived dropping out of high school and makes it through life for 20 years would go back to high school, they'd just take a G.E.D test or just say screw it. Beyond the idiotic concept, the "acting" is wooden and looks like a junior college drama production. If you want good comedy with drug-related humor, go rent the Cheech and Chong movies and quit while you're ahead. Watching this show will do nothing but waste your life in 30 minute chunks.
With so much garbage on television these days, it's refreshing to see a show so original and well-written as Strangers With Candy. I am glad that Comedy Central is re-running this hilarious program. It is politically incorrect, vulgar, and rude...it's fantastic! The writing is some of the best I've ever seen on television, every sentence uttered by every character is funny. The one-liners fly so fast that you barely have time to laugh before the next joke. In one episode, she and a classmate become secret lovers, but he's so ashamed of being with her that she hides in dumpsters, air ducts, etc.; it's a howlingly funny sight gag to see her head poking up out of the garbage as she waits for her lover. I think this show moved too fast for today's television audience and their limited attention span, so it's a shame that it was cancelled.