The conceptual foundation of this series was simply amazing. The potential for intrigue and mystery was off the charts, but the casting was very poor. The characters were hard to identify with, empathize with and often too easy to hate. The dynamics and chemistry wasn't there. (The expanse and Game of thrones are benchmarks of stellar casting and personality/character selection)Lastly the biggest problem with the show was its name. Stargate is synonymous to lighthearted pop-corn sci-fi. Stargate Universe was a dark and gritty sci fi. The producers tried to switch flavors on the existing fan base instead of reaching out to the appropriate audience.I give it a 9 star rating for the amazing idea behind the show and its potential.
I'd skip episodes 5-17. The rest of the series is good, season 2 has pretty thick atmosphere.
This show started out like supergirl, an overdramatized first season. This was heavily improved upon in the second season, it really became good. Sadly, as a result to the bad first season, this show was cancelled. If it had continued it would probably have improved even more.Giving it an 8/10 due to how the second season was. Cancelled too quickly.Would love to see any stargate show make a comeback!
Newly quite see the whole saga full Stargate (with movies included). I can say that Saga is a very entertaining and worth watching. Now talking exclusively about Stargate Universe, you have to make a difference.Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis, which is the turning point that gave it. Stargate Universe, although continuing to the above, it is totally different.Both actors and scripts, are more serious and worked than previous series. In addition a significant share of added suspense and the kinds of problems that face the characters, they are much closer to reality. In conclusion, I enjoyed and recommend the Saga see the whole. There are many hours of entertainment insured. Excuse my poor English Thanks so much for reading. Greetings!