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7.9| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 25 August 2010 Ended
Producted By: Southern Star
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://www.wchannel.com.au/spirited/

Spirited is a romantic look at life and love after death with a rock 'n' roll twist. Uptight dentist Suzy Darling leaves her egotistical husband Steve and moves into a penthouse to start a new life with her children. Seemingly a well orchestrated plan, she quickly discovers that she has to share her penthouse with Henry, who is no ordinary man. Henry is apparently a ghost. Henry awakens form 20 years of deathly slumber when Suzy and her kids move into the apartment. He's a British Rock Star and struggles to understand what is happening to him... or even who he is.

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trivialivia I've now rewatched the series THREE times, and I can't get enough of it. For an Australian series, it is brilliantly written, well-acted and the storyline is really original. I love the chemistry between Claudia and Matt's characters, and I think they were probably the best picks for their roles. It is incredibly QUIRKY! And I love the series for that, it's not like most series, it's original with its perks and quirks, funny characters and almost-cringe-worthy awkwardness at times, which goes to show how well-acted the cast played their roles. Of course I wished there was a season 3, but like I said, the show has been well written, and they left the series to finish in a 'satisfying' manner but still open for another season. I wish it could have got more popularity in Australia, it's a very good series and I recommend it to anybody who likes a well-written storyline with quirky characters and quirky plots, and of course fans who SHIP people, because the Henry/Suzy ship is definitely a likable CANON #FanTalk
fordmodelt Ford I stumbled across this on Foxtel's catchup Drama option list and binge- watched the whole first season. It's a genuinely original storyline, it's well scripted and well acted. The sister and ex-husband are caricatures and they're there as much to add extra complications into the plot. But apart from their exaggerated story lines, the rest of the scripting is excellent.I really liked the developing relationship between Susie and Henry, the kindness that grows between them and the way in which he coaches her into opening herself up to people.It's just a lovely little series and I'm only sorry it didn't get more fanfare when it was originally released. As Molly Meldrum would say: 'Do yourself a favour ...'
quacksieuk Without the stupid restrictions put on UK TV the Australians have come up with a stunner - not only brilliantly acted but written by someone with a deep understanding of current theory about what ghosts are and what can await us in the afterlife.The little, coincidental details are a delight - the backstage crew really knew what they were doing.As is often the case the Australian film industry plays a blinder.Great cast.Great theory making this believable to those of us who believe in a life after death, and giving those of you undecided something to think about.I can't wait to see the second series!
bkdsl Having just seen the full season 1, I was pleasantly surprised by Spirited. What first grabbed my attention at the start was intrigue about Henry's story but what kept me hooked was the relationship between Henry and Suzie. Both parts are played by brilliant actors - Claudia Karvan always brings a realism to the characters she plays, and just something that makes you empathise with her. Henry seemed like such a caricature at the start but he quickly develops in to a really interesting character. The relationship that grows between them is something quite special and I really loved the scenes between the two of them. You can just see how the uptight and awkward Suzie relaxes around Henry and how her child-like, fun loving side emerges.The thing that I didn't like about this show were a couple of the supporting characters. The worst is Jonquil, I cringe every time she's on screen. I get that she's supposed to be irritating (her last name is 'Payne' afterall...) but there is no realism to her. Her character is just too farcical in a show that is otherwise quite realistic. Ex-hubby Steve walks a fine line between funny and a little over the top, but I think he manages to stay on the right side of that line most of the time. He is the likable tosser and is pretty good value for comic relief. I think we all know guys like him! Looking forward to Season 2!