Spiral Zone

Spiral Zone

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Holographic Zone Battle Sep 21, 1987

While the Riders prepare to take out a zone generator that is blocking San Francisco harbor, Bandit infiltrates their base and tricks Hiro into accepting a hypnotic device disguised as a holographic computer game.

EP2 King of the Skies Sep 22, 1987

The Zone Riders rescue King Donovan, a retired military pilot and Dirk's former CO, as he is being pursued out of the zone. He has details on an Overlord plot to increase the size of the zone by hooking a generator up to the Hoover Dam, and a plan to stop it. But instead of allowing them to sneak up on the generator, the suggested rout leads the Raiders into an ambush, and King ends up suspected of treason.

EP3 Errand of Mercy Sep 23, 1987

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EP4 Mission Into Evil Sep 24, 1987

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EP5 Back to the Stone Age Sep 25, 1987

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EP6 Small Packages Sep 28, 1987

The Black Widows slips a miniature zone pod into McFarlands clothes, activating it inside the MCC while the Zone Riders are on a mission. Forced to go up against their own defenses and Overlord at the same time, the Riders have one hour to take out the pod before a UN ordered air strike reduces the place to rubble.

EP7 Zone of Darkness Sep 29, 1987

The Zone Riders bring a scientist to Miami, looking for a possible cure to the zone bacteria in the form of a local plant. Dirk also hopes to find an old friend who was in the area during the zone attack.

EP8 Gauntlet Sep 30, 1987

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EP9 Ride the Whirlwind Oct 01, 1987

The extreme weather is slowly flooding San Juan, while making airborne evacuation impossible. The only route of escape is through the zone, but can the Riders take out the generator in time?

EP10 The Unexploded Pod Oct 02, 1987

An unactivated zone generator, found in Katerina's hometown, could provide the first and only opportunity to study the zone release mechanism. Well aware of this, Overlord is determined to keep it out of the Riders hands.

EP11 Duel in Paradise Oct 05, 1987

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EP12 The Imposter Oct 06, 1987

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EP13 The Hacker Oct 07, 1987

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EP14 Overlord's Mystery Woman Oct 08, 1987

In this episode we discover Overlord's romantic side. The Zone Raides find the woman he was in love before he entered the take-over-the-world business. Using her as bait the riders set a trap to capture the leader of the Black Widows. Dashing out of the Zone in shining armour Overlord goes to rescue his love, but he doen't have only romance in mind.

EP15 The Sands of Amaran Oct 09, 1987

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EP16 Zone Train Oct 12, 1987

A train carrying scientists reseaching the Spiral Zone to a conference is routed by the Black Widows into the Zone. The Zone Riders are dispatched to stop the train from reaching a power plant within the zone; however things go from bad to worse when Tank's suit fails and he becomes a Zoner and is ordered by Dutchess Dire to stop his colleagues.

EP17 Breakout Oct 13, 1987

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EP18 When the Cat's Away Oct 14, 1987

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EP19 Island in the Zone Oct 15, 1987

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EP20 The Shuttle Engine Oct 16, 1987

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EP21 The Mind of Gideon Rorshak Oct 19, 1987

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EP22 Canal Zone Oct 20, 1987

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EP23 The Lair of the Jade Scorpion Oct 21, 1987

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EP24 The Man Who Wouldn't Be King Oct 22, 1987

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EP25 The Way of the Samurai Oct 23, 1987

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EP26 The Best Fighting Men in the World Oct 26, 1987

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EP27 The Ultimate Solution Oct 27, 1987

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EP28 Hometown Hero Oct 28, 1987

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EP29 In the Belly of the Beast Oct 29, 1987

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EP30 The Last One Picked Oct 30, 1987

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EP31 So Shall You Reaper Nov 02, 1987

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EP32 The Secret of Shadow House Nov 03, 1987

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EP33 Zone of Fear Nov 04, 1987

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EP34 Bandit and the Smokies Nov 05, 1987

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EP35 Heroes in the Dark Nov 06, 1987

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EP36 Zone with Big Shoulders Nov 09, 1987

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EP37 Behemoth Nov 10, 1987

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EP38 The Power of the Press Nov 11, 1987

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EP39 Starship Doom Nov 12, 1987

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EP40 The Electric Zone Rider Nov 13, 1987

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EP41 Australian in Paris Nov 16, 1987

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EP42 The Enemy Within Nov 17, 1987

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EP43 Anti-Matter Nov 18, 1987

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EP44 The Siege Nov 19, 1987

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EP45 A Little Zone Music Nov 20, 1987

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EP46 Element of Surprise Nov 23, 1987

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EP47 Seachase Nov 24, 1987

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EP48 The Right Man for the Job Nov 25, 1987

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EP49 High and Low Nov 26, 1987

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EP50 Profiles in Courage Nov 27, 1987

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EP51 The Darkness Within Nov 30, 1987

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EP52 Power Play Dec 01, 1987

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EP53 Duchess Treat Dec 02, 1987

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EP54 Oversight Dec 03, 1987

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EP55 Assault on the Rock Dec 04, 1987

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EP56 They Zone by Night Dec 07, 1987

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EP57 Conflict of Duty Dec 08, 1987

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EP58 The Final Weapon Dec 09, 1987

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EP59 The Face of the Enemy Dec 10, 1987

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EP60 Brother's Keeper Dec 11, 1987

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EP61 Little Darlings Dec 14, 1987

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EP62 Nightmare in Ice Dec 15, 1987

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EP63 Evil Transmissions Dec 16, 1987

EP64 Zone Trap Dec 17, 1987

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EP65 Countdown Dec 18, 1987

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7.4| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 21 September 1987 Ended
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Spiral Zone is a 1987 American science-fiction animated series produced by Atlantic-Kushner-Locke. Based in part from a toy line made by Japanese company Bandai, the series focused on an international group of soldiers fighting to free the world from a scientist who controls much of the Earth's surface. It only ran for one season, with a total count of 65 episodes. Tonka acquired the license from Bandai and created a different treatment to the series, plus a short-lived toy line. Spiral Zone is known among fans as a series that stood out from other contemporary cartoons of the 80s because of its dark story. The series has not been officially released on DVD by Hasbro, who had acquired Tonka in the 90s, including all the copyrights to their properties.

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marklungo-1 Yes, I know the original messages were written years ago, but I just saw them today.To Bruce: Straczynski only wrote the pilot episode of "Spiral Zone" ("Mission Into Evil"), then left the series after a dispute with the producers. Also, he never wrote for "Bravestarr" as far as I know. He was busy with "The Real Ghostbusters" and "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future" at the time.To bcolquho: The Australian Zone Rider was Ned *Tucker* (Ned Kelly was a famous Aussie criminal), and the French Black Widow was named Crook.I hope this post doesn't sound snarky or anything; I just want the information on "Spiral Zone" to be as accurate as possible.
thesevensamurais Hi ,my name is Pierre De Celles,I would like to have you know that I was supervising animation director on 'Spiral Zone' and my second in command supervising director was 'Georges Grammat';We had about 11 months and a few weeks to create 65 episodes,of which 15 shows went to 'Akom' in Korea,and the rest to 'Visual 80' in Japan.It was a very difficult series to produce cause the show was realistic SC.-FI. a bit like 'Akira' the famous Japanese comic strip.You can check on the website for 'Spiral Zone' # 3,you will find there a devoted bunch of fans,Chris Millar being the first one and in command of the site;I have submitted actual original artwork from the series to him.And we are hoping to get the rights to make all 65 episodes available on DVD format for the fans.I kept all 65 episodes on tape and some of the Artwork for the last 20 years,I am proud of that because we do not know what was the faith of the negatives,films or 3/4 inch tapes,was everything lost ????? So thank you very for the opportunity to share this with you. Pierre De Celles
bcolquho That's what opened every episode of Spiral Zone. I used to watch it all the time back in 1987. Overlord, a mad scientist who invented the Zone Generator, had stolen an ion shuttle and Zoned half the world. Earth's finest soldiers, Dirk Courage, and Max Jones, (USA,) Katerina Anastasia, (USSR, if it sounds dated, it's because I'm using the name of the country before 1991,) and Tank, (West Germany, again, this is prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall two later.) These are the Zone Riders. They wear Zone resistant armor to protect themselves against the Zone. As for why Overlord, (real name Michael Bent,) Zoned half the world, the reason's revealed in a later episode. Dr. Michael Bent, who would later become Overlord, defected to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union didn't want him and showed him the door. He didn't forget this perceived insult and vowed revenge. The series is set twenty years in the future. Twenty years from 1987 is 2007. The Zone Riders, led by Dirk Courage, also include Hiro Taka, (Japan,) Ned Kelly, (Australia,) and Benjamin Franklin, (USA.) Overlord's followers include Duchess Dire, Bandit, and Rawmeat. There was also a French criminal who was part of Overlord's gang.
StlBlade I was pleasantly surprised to find that J. Michael Straczynski was involved with the writing on this show. When I first watched it some 10+ years ago, I wasn't impressed with the obviously 'toy oriented' hardware the various heroes and villains used, but rather with the potential depth shown with the characters. IE the character Tank had evacuated the Zone in the initial attack, and ended up leaving his loved ones behind (His daughter, maybe a wife, too). This tortured him and was especially touching in one ep when he attached himself to a young girl that was seemingly immune to the Zone. Another where one character froze up during combat and was assigned to the rear, humiliating him into becoming a trustworthy soldier again. These came to a somewhat 'stunted' ending, it being a 'kids' show and all, but that's what I mean when I say it was as well developed as the demands of the late 80's allowed.I don't think it was ever repeated since it's initial showing and I know that I didn't see ALL the eps that were made (No idea why, the local channel only showed 20-30 out of the 60 ep run). Knowing JMS (Babylon 5, Murder She Wrote, The New Twilight Zone) as I do, I am sure that they wouldn't have disappointed me. Perhaps they even would have filled in some of the blank spots in the characterization. After all, JMS has a reputation of forcing genuine quality down the throats of executive types that only care about selling a related toy line. Just look at "The Real Ghostbusters" that JMS edited for, and "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future" that has a strong cult following. Both, like Spiral Zone, had genuine character development, as opposed to simply having a background story. This series is not his best, but it definitely puts He-Man and Brave Starr to shame. (Not that it was hard to do for those series).