In 1999, DC and Marvel ended up releasing two futuristic sequels to their much beloved TV shows, Spider-Man and Batman: The Animated Series. DC released the lauded cyberpunk classic Batman Beyond, which is also the third instalment of the DC animated universe. On the other hand, Marvel ended up releasing Spider-Man Unlimited, an implied sequel to the 1994 Spider-Man cartoon (it's never explicitly stated). Unlike Batman Beyond, SMU ended up bombing in ratings and in reception.Initially, SMU was supposed to be a Spider-Man 2099 adaptation, but that idea was canned in favour of... this which still ended up taking a lot of elements from Spider-Man 2099 (like the costume and futuristic setting). I just want to know what kind of mind-altering drugs that the staff were on when they came up with the very concept: Peter Parker wearing a Spider-Man suit made out of nanotechnology travelling to an alternate dimension ruled by the High Evolutionary and half-human/half-beast creatures populate the Earth all the while Venom and Carnage, two mortal enemies are working side-by-side under the orders of something called "the synoptic."This could've worked out, if this show didn't have Spider-Man's name tacked onto it. Why not use a different Marvel hero/group like the Guardians of the Galaxy? Better yet, why not create an original superhero for this? Why even bother canning the Spider-Man 2099 idea in the first place? Miguel O'Hara would've made an excellent counter on Marvel's part to DC's Terry McGinnis and considering the fact that barely anyone outside of devout Spidey fans have even heard of SM2099, it would've allowed for more people to discover it and it could've been just as successful, if not more successful than Peter Parker's Spider-Man. Alack, another story of what could've been.
Nicholas Sandham
I loved this show when I was younger, but now after doing a little research it comes to light that the original script for the show was supposed to be about a counter earth where Uncle Ben doesn't die and Spidey gives in to Venom because he doesn't question the morality of his choices anymore.Why oh why couldn't they have done that instead of doing this whole bestial thing =/ which is alright per se but far less interesting and thought provoking as the original script.In summary then a good cartoon with great visuals and music but let down by the script revision because Marvel said that it couldn't do a series that contained 2 Spider-Mans but now we have games like Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, plus I swear in the 90's Spider-Man cartoons they did an episode where there was a crossover of lots of different Spidey universes. Marvel you really missed the mark on something that could have been spectacular.
This cartoon bugged me a bit because it wasn't traditional but you can't live in the 70's or 50's forever. I think Spiderman's upgrades were cool and so was the theme music. If the series would've continued long enough, who knows what could've happened. Maybe he would've gone back to earth. Maybe its far fetched but this cartoon wasn't that bad. Another important factor is that monster rancher and pokemon were and probably still are dominating the air waves, which is why I appreciated this new spiderman series even more!
For the first time since the first "Spider-man" cartoon. Saban has actualy doen a seriers right. In this , Peter Parker/Spider-Man, finds himself traveling to alternate Earth to save a sapce traveler. Only to find himself caught up in a intersteller war. Great animation, and a decent story line power this Spidey saga,