Dr Qua (SpaceOctopus)
I know we were successful with The Office remake, but I wish people here would realize that doesn't mean any other remake of a good British show here is ever going to be any good again. Not only does there NOT need to be a remake of many of the shows we decide we want to ruin because so many of us Americans are too stupid to enjoy the original, but there SHOULDN'T be any remakes.Do yourself a favor and watch the original. It's very good. Do yourself another favor and don't watch THIS horrible crap.We need to stop remaking shows that are perfectly good the way they are already, and if someone likes the idea, to just convince someone to air it here as well. I'm tired of this unbelievable lack of originality that is becoming an epidemic in the media profession when it comes to television and movies. Good writers and directors are cast aside and ignored, and instead, talentless hacks who write whatever the heads want them to write, are hired and they don't have a single fresh idea in their body. Then they hire what they think are a bunch of "pretty" faces (which believe me, they're not.) who can't act their way out of a paper bag, and it makes it even worse. At least in the UK, they still hire REAL people to act and a lot of shows still have integrity. HBO on the other hand is still maintaining a fairly creative and original aura. Follow their lead, people! Just because it seems like the populace wants crappy TV, does not mean they do! Give us something NEW to think about! If you can't come up with a new idea, DON'T STEAL IT FROM THE British! Honestly, I think that should be somewhat illegal....it seems like it already would be, considering copyright and stuff like that. What really really irks me is that the people here even have the audacity to slap "U.K." on the original and just leave the title the way it is here, when it should be the other way around. It's not "Skins UK" it is "SKINS"! This is "Skins U.S."! And guess what? It SUCKS! Just like every other bad remake. I'm just glad they haven't completely destroyed some of the very best British shows I love yet, and I just hope against all hope that it never happens. In fact, I hope someday soon, they'll realize they aren't ever going to get another "The Office". They were just lucky!
Warning spoilers!Yikes! Why was this even made? I mean this is a remake of a British TV show. So the language is in English, why the remake? Oh right, greed.Kids, no matter what country they grow up in, basically have the same problems in life. So it boggles the mind as to why this was even remade as the US and UK are fairly similar places to grow up.Anyways they just censored the nudity in the US version and replaced all the actors with pretty faced wanna be actors. That's the problem with American entertainment, we take flash over substance. Like most "actors" these days CAN'T EVEN ACT! Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart, Lilly Collins, Miley Cryus, Emma Watson. These people are famous because of their good looks, nepotism, or stupid fan base. The days of the great child actors are GONE! THIS horrid show is proof! They don't even TRY and act, all you see are blank stares most of the time.Where as the original skins was ground breaking, and won many awards while propelling their young actors into fame and fortune. This remake was just fodder for parent groups bashing it as filth. And they are right! This remade version lost the soul the UK version had. It's all just for shock value. "Look at kids having sex" "Look at kids doing drugs" "Look at kids sleeping with their teachers." But it had none of the intelligence the original had. These shocking things happened in order to make some kind of point. But in the US version it was done JUST to shock. No moral lesson exists.Avoid this $#!tty remake.
I was browsing netflix when i stumbled across this show. It looked interesting so i started watching it. After the first episode i has hooked. Finished the entire series in 3 days. I really loved how every episode of the season you got to look through each main characters background so you really got to know them all. This plot is amazing it depicts the life every teenager wishes they could have. The concept of a group of friends that all were really "friends" is a dream that every teenagers wishes they could have. i really enjoyed this show and when i finished the last episode of the season i was so heartbroken because i knew i would never see a new one. I really wish MTV would bring this series back because the 10 episodes that were released were all magnificent.
I own the first four seasons of the British version of Skins on DVD and could watch them over and over. This American, oh I'm sorry Canadian, cast just don't meet the mark whatsoever. There is no talent there at all and since they are copying the almost exact script from the original you would assume it would be an easy job. And the worst of all is the actor who plays Tony. I have seen better acting in children's theatre by 10 year olds. And he is supposed to be the leader of this group? This show is going to be canceled in no time. I wish it was better because E4 in England did so well with this show. Sorry MTV but you fail