Sewer Divers

Sewer Divers

Seasons & Episodes

  • 1

EP1 That's Not Mud Jan 01, 2023

In North Jersey, N.J. Dirty Water Don dives into a toxic sewer line. In Mt. Vernon, VA. Ramone and George try to fix a sewage-filled basement. In Cleveland, Josh tries to break down a rock-solid formation before it leads to catastrophic flooding.

EP2 The North Arlington Fatberg Jan 08, 2023

A Fatberg of wipes, toiletries and trash has formed in a North Jersey sewer pipe; the Cleveland crew find themselves knee-deep in a rain-ravaged storm sewer; Ramon discovers a huge sewer break threatening people's basements in Mount Vernon.

EP3 Meat Me in Massachusetts Jan 15, 2023

In Brooklyn, Dirty Water Don repairs outflow gates at a treatment plant. In Mount Vernon, Ramone and George discover medical waste lodged in a pump station. And in Massachusetts, Rick deals with a disgusting grease trap at a meat cutting facility.

EP4 Goo Deja Vu Jan 22, 2023

A mysterious clog backs up the entirety of the downtown neighborhood's sewer line; the debris from a severe storm backs up a critical grit chamber; a restaurant grease trap is in dire need of cleaning.

EP5 The Nose Knows Jan 29, 2023

An abandoned sewer line is overwhelmed by stagnant human waste; the damage from a massive sinkhole threatens to shut down the entire city's sewer system; a large clog could take down a city building.

EP6 The Gates of Smell Feb 05, 2023

In Connecticut, Rick searches for a mysterious clog in a treatment plant's outflow pipe; in New York, George and Ramone struggle to clear a clogged reservoir; in Ohio, Josh attends to a backed-up basin that threatens to flood downtown Cleveland
6.4| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2023 Ended
Producted By: Anomaly Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

A down-and-dirty, up-close look at the rugged, blue-collar heroes that keep America's centuries-old sewer systems running so the rest of us can stay out of the muck and the mire.

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Producted By

Anomaly Entertainment

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