Saved by the Bell originated as a show called Good Morning Miss Bliss, based around a popular junior high school teacher named Miss Bliss played by Haley Mills. Mark Paul Gosselear was there as Zack, Lark Voorhies as Lisa, Dennis Haskins as Principal Richard Belding and Dustin Diamond as Screech. Miss Bliss taught history at JFK Junior High in Indianapolis, Indiana, with the show following her students' interactions along with some glimpses of Miss Bliss' home life. The show was made for the 1988-89 TV season and appeared on the Disney Channel but didn't last long. Since it was originally produced by NBC, the show was retooled as a teen sitcom focusing on Zack Morris, a fourth wall breaking popular guy who attended Bayside High School. The show was moved from Indiana to Malibu, California. Mr. Belding, Screech, and Lisa were all there but Mario Lopez as Slater, Elizabeth Berkley as Jessie and Tiffany Thiessen as Kelly were all added. Zack's character was based on Ferris Bueller from the 1986 film with him being the most popular kid in school, though he doesn't have the adversarial relationship with Mr. Belding that Ferris did with Dean of Students Ed Rooney. Zack wasn't a slacker academically, seeming to at least do well enough to pass his classes and played basketball and ran track as well. Jessie, was an obsessive high achieving academic, class president and feminist. She seemed like she believed the school's self-appointed social conscience at times. Screech was a prototypical supernerd, he invented weird and useless things, excelled academically, was a chess champion, and always seemed hang out with the popular kids despite those things. The wardrobe always seemed to emphasize the nerdiness of Screech by dressing him in the worst clothes-rainbow suspenders, tie-dyed shirts, and ugly Chuck Taylor Converse were his typical costume. Lisa, she was the pretty girl who was into fashion, make up and seemed to be the most interested in dating despite rarely being shown with a boyfriend. Slater, he excelled as a star football player and wrestler, his dad was supposed to be an Army officer, and he had an on and off again relationship with Jessie. He was also shown as a dancer and enjoyed cooking. Kelly, she was the pretty girl next door, cheerleader, athletic, and the most popular girl at school. She and Zack were the main couple on the show and had on and off relationship too. All the other kids on SBTB seemed to come from wealthy or well-to-do families but we do see Kelly's family struggle financially at times. Kelly was also the oldest in a large family with her babysitting her younger siblings as part of her responsibilities. Sometimes the show got a little ridiculous in trying to teach a moral lesson, with the infamous caffeine pill episode where Jessie was using them to stay awake so she could study and get into Stanford.
Josephine Andersson
It's definitely a lovely show to look at at. The 80's and 90's fashion and all that is eye candy for me and reminds me of my childhood even though i'm born in the mid 90's. It reminds me of a happier time. But i gotta say, the script and the storyline is pretty horrible most of the time. I mean sure, it's all happy and it always ends happy. It's a bunch of kids having fun in school dealing with very minor problems sometimes. The group is obviously a quite popular and normal gang. Parents barely exist. It's the perfect show to watch if you wanna relax for a bit and see a happy side of high school. A very unreal side unless you actually are popular, but still. But if you wanna watch something that you can actually relate to, look elsewhere.Personally, i prefer a show that shows a more realistic side of life. Like Boy Meets World or Lizzie McGuire for example. Boy meets world handled almost every problem and life situation you can think of in a beautiful and natural way. Poverty, middle-class family, young love, death of loved ones, height difference, marriage... Their actors and actresses weren't super skinny without flaws, they looked natural. Same goes with Lizzie. OK, the movie was pretty damn unrealistic, but some parts of it and the show dealt with some serious and realistic stuff. Don't get me wrong, i love saved by the bell. It's eye candy in many ways and i love watching it. But the script...it's pretty awful. It just gets a bit too plastic sometimes like modern Disney shows. But it's a great classic and it's still a billion times better than most modern crap that kids watch on TV nowadays.
Event though I did not grow up with this show, even in 2013 it is still airs every morning on TV on some channel. I love this show and have been watching it since I was in elementary school, and I still watch the re runs even though I have already seen all of the episodes before. If you're into shows like the Cosby show, full house, the nanny, boy meets world, etc., this is such a good show to watch! I did not grow up with any of the shows that I listed but I love and watch them all! I would definitely recommend this show, it is and I think always will be one of my favorite TV shows. I would truly disregard any comments about the bad acting and poorly written scripts because it's a show about teenagers in high school, and in my opinion, the script matched it perfectly (I am currently a sophomore in high school)! A must watch!
Saved by the Bell is just amazing. I'm now 19 years old and i still watch it sometimes in the morning on tbs when i get up. There is just something about this show that stuck with me as a child. Maybe it's the characters and how well they went together, or maybe it was the situations that the gang got in daily. i just loved that show growing up.i would say that the six of them and Mr. Belding mixed perfectly together. All the guys wanted to be Zack and all the girls wanted to be Kelly. It is just one of those timeless shows that won't go away anytime soon. Why do you think they still play it 2 hours a day in syndication? It's just great.