SAS: Who Dares Wins

SAS: Who Dares Wins

Seasons & Episodes

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EP1 Fear Jan 23, 2023

Twenty recruits prepare to enter `Jungle Hell', the toughest phase of SAS selection. First they are tasked with traversing the 'trainasium', suspended 50 feet above the ground. Then they must complete a 200-foot abseil headlong into a waterfall.

EP2 Mindset Jan 30, 2023

The recruits take part in extreme hand-to-hand combat. A breach of camp discipline leads to a 'beasting'. And a recruit gets stranded up a huge waterfall.

EP3 Composure Feb 06, 2023

In the Vietnamese jungle, the group are tasked with a 200-foot abseil into a dark bat-infested cave. In a bustling market, the recruits must take down an armed gunman in a crowd of civilians. And then they take on each other in a game of murderball.

EP4 Leadership Feb 13, 2023

The remaining 11 recruits face a hostage rescue mission hoping to spring two abducted recruits. The second challenge is a punishing head-to-head team ammunition supply race in the jungle.

EP5 Survival Feb 20, 2023

The recruits' will to survive is severely tested with an extraction task used in the Vietnam War. Then the recruits must make it through a survival task that requires navigating through the jungle while being pursued by hunters.

EP6 Interrogation Feb 21, 2023

The seven remaining recruits are ambushed by a hunter force team behind enemy lines. Handed over to interrogators for questioning, the recruits must endure psychological and physical punishments designed to break their will and force a confession.
8.3| 0h30m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 19 October 2015 Ended
Producted By: Discovery
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Selection for the SAS is one of the world's toughest job interviews and physical fitness is only the starting point. What's really being tested is psychological resilience and character as candidates undergo sleep deprivation, interrogation and a series of increasingly complex mind games. In this programme, five ex-special forces soldiers re-create tasks from the SAS's secret selection process, putting 30 civilian men through the ultimate test of their physical and - more importantly - their psychological resilience.

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Jason Fox


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Beads What a fascinating world we have been privileged to take a glance into. So interesting how tough the Staff are and their reasoning for each and everything they do. All carefully thought out, tried and tested methods in what can only be imagined as the toughest environments known to man. I cannot recommend this series highly enough. Be mindful if you feel critical towards the recruits. This does not look easy even from the safety of a couch.
Aaron Page Makes you question your own worthiness. such a great watch, inspiring too! They are taken into the jungle, so if you thought the last season was tough enough, now they have to survive constant barrages of training and fear tactics from the former elite SAS staff, who are mesmerizing, themselves, to watch. So many people with so many backgrounds and unexpected dropouts and unexpected strong candidates make you question what you think you know. Forget reality shows, forget game shows, forget settling for average squabbling hissy fits and get down to brass tax with the SAS team on whether you are a balanced human and start questioning your own flaws! ENJOY!
pablocort What an epic phrase from an epic leader to summarize what this whole journey has been about. All that suffering the recruits had to endure only to get to that final moment of recognition from the "coaches" that they stopped treating them like recruits and recognize them as peers, wonderful moment to end the season. It is an easy show to watch there are only 5 episodes full of different characters and personalities. At first you think that all those trials are just madness but when the "coaches"start talking about their experiences you start to see there is a reason to that madness. In my opinion it is an awesome reality show there's nothing that compares to it, it is a must watch.