So bad that your eyes ache just watching it. I would love to know who the audience are for this garbage.
This program is so cheesy it makes you laugh. Hondo is to clean cut and very wooden, you can see he is trying to much. There is to many little mistakes in the show you know it wouldn't happen in real life. ( the team are on standby and called to a job, they run out to there vehicle and 1 of the team throws his jacket on the road not in the car)
I didn't like the pilot but that often is the case. I gave it a chance and eventually came to care about the characters and then the actual outcomes mattered. If your rating is based on the pilot alone I recco giving it a chance.
I was hoping this would be a show about SWAT shooting dogs, flashbanging children play COD and pepper spraying students.
What i got was an 'merica HOO RAH propaganda show about how great American police are and how they are really good guys, racially sensitive and connected to the community.The quality of the production is ok and it's shot well but the propaganda is so thick you can cut it with a knife.