Roger Ramjet is an American 1965 animation series of short length episodes about a heroic man and his assistants known as the eagles (after, presumably, the American national emblem the bald eagle). The good people in the series are the Americans, who fight the bad villains such as the solenoid robots. The theme tune, with the notes of 'yankee doodle went to town', explains the simplistic manner in which Roger faces the enemy, his usage of 'proton pills', which give him superhuman strength a bit like the magic potion in asterix. The show is quite entertaining. It has a very American feel to it, but it is still quite amusing to watch.
The above is part of the Roger Ramjet theme song. Roger Ramjet was a buffoon, a clown, an idiot, and a fool. In short, he was a do- gooder. His groupies were four awe-struck kids named Yank,Doodle, Dan, and Dee. RR was a member of the American Eagle Squadron. His strength came from his proton energy pill whichgave him the power of twenty atom bombs for twenty seconds. Iused to watch it when I was a kid New Hampshire. My favorite RR episode was the Christmas one where RR was hypnotized by an evil magician and made to think that he was a little kid. GaryOwens of Laugh In was the voice of Roger Ramjet. He was alsothe voice of Space Ghost. Both are good classic cartoons.
Roger Ramjet was created in 1965 by Ken Snyder and brought to cel life by director Fred Crippen and voice actor Gary Owens. And, even if the animation was so static it became the butt of jokes to this very day, Roger´s adventures still owe more to the anarchy of Jay Ward and Bob Clampett than, say, Sam Singer. Roger Ramjet, the `Daredevil, Flying Fool and All-Around Good Guy' is an obvious parody of super-hero antics AND patriotism itself, including the cold war paranoia. At first glance, it´s pure formula: our hero is assigned to some mission, always gets in trouble so the kids from the American Eagle Squadron can rescue him, and ends up kicking the villains´ badly animated behinds by ingesting the Proton Energy Pill, that grants him the power of twenty atom bombs for twenty seconds. But the similarities end here, cause RR is filled with clever puns, cultural references, Hollywood in-jokes and a LOT of adult-aimed dialogue which often went over kids´ heads. I´ll give you only one example, and that will be enough to lure you into the zany, adorable world of Roger. Let´s take the `The Shaft' episode from `Hero of Our Nation'. It´s about Roger creating a super-rocket that´s more powerful than
uh, anything else. Problem is, the rocket backfires and burrows a hole through the Earth. The ENTIRE darn planet. What we Earthlings do? Oh, not much. Just watch were we walk, to avoid falling in the hole and getting a free trip to China. Aye, we can live on a donut-shaped planet, no problem sir. The ONLY thing that bugs people is when winds runs through the hole, creating an annoying whistle. THEN the nations decide to join forces to fix the problem! See what I mean?
Roger Ramjet, he's our man/Hero of our nation/For his adventures please stay tuned/To this same TV station...Or something like that. It's been a while since I've heard the theme song, but it was sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle.Roger Ramjet wasn't exactly a high-budget cartoon show. In fact, there's probably less actual *movement* in this show than any other cartoon ever made (with the possible exception of Clutch Cargo), so every episode looks as if it cost about 75 cents to produce. Still, it was a funny cartoon in the Dudley Do-Right vein--well-meaning but ineffectual hero bumbles his way to saving the day.I used to work with a guy who was constantly quoting Ramjet's boss: "Ramjet, you always cease to amaze me."Great Ramjet trivia: There was a classic Cold War villain named Noodles Romanoff.