The show centers on two characters: Rocky the Flying Squirrel and Bullwinkle the Moose. But when the episodes were being produced, I guessed they were meant to focus slightly more on Rocky. That explains why the title of the show in earlier seasons was called Rocky and His Friends. But somehow Rocky faded overtime, and Bullwinkle began to shine, thus the show in later seasons went by the title The Bullwinkle Show.How on Earth did the cute Rocky eventually lost the spotlight to the moose? Fans are likely to come up with one theory or another. But in my view, the problem occurred during the show's pre-production period. Too bad whoever chosen the cast didn't see it happened.When trying to decide who should play a young male character, a child actor would be the best option. But in Rocky's case, they selected an old tomboy to do his words. If they can't find a child actor, they could have choose that baby-faced Walter Tetley, who played Sherman, to be that flying squirrel. But instead they choose an old tomboy. Because of that, viewers find it nauseating they way Rocky is performed and therefore eventually turning their attention to Bullwinkle. Bullwinkle may not be cute but his comical naivette makes him fun to watch.
Brett Walter
This is one of the funniest television shows I have ever seen. The best part is that as I get older, I find it funnier. When i was little, I just laughed at Bullwinkle's voice. But as i get older and older I start to appreciate the satire and humor. Modern sitcoms and cartoons should take a lesson from this show.
This cartoon stars Bullwinkle J. Moose and Rocky the flying squirrel.The villains names are boris and natasha.Through the series boris and natasha try to outsmart rocky and bullwinkle by doing funny antics. 10/10.Everyone in the family will enjoy.
Rocky and Bullwinkle are historical characters. Not because they killed anybody or they were an official. They are 2 animated characters who teach children not to take everything seriously, just the cold war (Boris and Natasha are a example of this). This show is fun, funny and cool. The usual squirell and moose may seem outdated, kids and parents today will like this show and I recomend it to them and for anyone looking for old animation. Very well. A+