Thanks to much repeating in the early 1990s (as part of the 8.15 from Manchester) this mid 70s/early 80s children's spooky comedy remains fresh in my memory, actually a look on YouTube helped too.Extremely camp, hyperactive, shed-loads of bad jokes, crummy special effects, over-acting, childish nonsense but that is why I love it, it was just so much daft fun. Why should all entertainment be serious or even credible, there is room for rubbish just as long as we and the people who make it know it's rubbish.All the actors seem to be having great fun, queueing up to add another corny line, but best of all in my view are the pompous next door neighbours the Perkins. Especially when they are given a magic pendant which makes all their wishes come true, which always wrecks havoc on their attempts at a quiet suburban life.And credit to the late Michael Staniforth for creating easily one of the most memorable Children's TV themes from 'the good old days'
Rupert Breheny
At 33 years of age I remember the early series as well as the later, and the opening bars of that bloody programme filled me with dread as my best friend always had to rush in from playing outdoors to see the damn thing with me in toe. Not the most fun 30 minutes of my young life waiting to get back outside. Now - Ulysses, that was something much better. "Flying through all the galaxies..."
"We aim to shock, we hope your knees will knock..."Definitely a classic of its time. A catchy theme tune, lots of puns and running round-what more does a kid need? Basically a sitcom about a group of ghosts trying to get by "down here." I agree with other comments about the earlier ones being a lot better. The later episodes focused too much on the Meaker's house and the dragon in the cellar. Altogether now-"Don't go in the cellar." Still, worth catching the repeats on digital tv.
One of the overiding memories of my childhood was watching Rentaghost in the afternoon. The early episodes are the best and were actually quite intelligent. Sadly, but inevitably, it eventually just became trashy rubbish with the most ridiculous plots played as pure slapstick .(Luckily, by then, I had grown out of kid's TV so my memories remain untainted).I just caught an episode on satellite as my young son was watching it (yes - I do feel old!!)and it made me realise how innocent it was to be a child in the 70's. Kid's TV now is so cynical and all about merchandising and product placement. Today's generation will never have the same warm nostalgia about 'Pokemon' or 'Batman of the Future' that my peers have about 'Rentaghost' and it's contemporaries.